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Where should I register a product specific ISessionCleanupOperations?
Ryan Morlok
Our product (Advisor) doesn't use most of the standard modules (e.g. search, foldering, etc) and we therefore don't want to do session cleanup on those modules. I have implemented a product specific ISessionCleanupOperations overriding NotifyOtherVerticalsOfSessionCleanup(...). Where should I register my product specific implementation with IoC?
It appears Forms does it in its IProductFamily implementation ($/Cobalt Website/Development/WebFormsAssembly/WebFormsAssembly.Web/ProductFamily.cs; line 37):
globalContainer.RegisterType(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
This may be appropriate in Forms (are they using the product family concept?). Advisor doesn't use product family. Where would the appropriate place be to do this registration?
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Accepted answers
Heidi Bailles
Based on my last iteration of Product Family research, I would steer way from IProductFamily.Initialize and use the product container registration method of IProduct.Initialize() at this point. This way you won't be interfering with any registered global container types.
All comments
Your initial thought was correct that it should be in your IProductFamily implementation. All products on the Cobalt platform are part of a product family. Advisor's product family has only one product in it: Advisor.
*Nb. Forms is in its own product family too.*
Heidi Bailles
Based on my last iteration of Product Family research, I would steer way from IProductFamily.Initialize and use the product container registration method of IProduct.Initialize() at this point. This way you won't be interfering with any registered global container types.
Ryan Morlok
Thanks. I don't see an
do you mean
Heidi Bailles
Ah, yes IProductInitialization.Initialize(...) is the specific product one.
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