I understand that we have web portal for production environment. Do we have same thing for pilot environment? Please clarify.
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Hi @baskaran.subramanian
For external WC1-API clients the default API keys are ONLY for initial testing, you should have your own API credentials that include a product key for your own Pilot environment.
Hi @baskaran.subramanian,
Yes, you should have receive a login account for pilot first and then when your application is ready you can request to have the your environment setup in production. You'll receive a different product code and API keys.
Hi @brian.bourgault
Thanks for your response. I meant that web portal where we can login and see the results. Please see the attached screen shot. My question is, do we have any web portal for pilot environment so that we can login and check the results?
Hi, I have same question.
I was given an API Key for WC1 API pilot environment and RegKey for WorldCheck One portal. But this two logins are disconnected. Cases created with WC1 API do not appears in WC1 portal and vice versa cases created on portal can't be accessible via API. Group structure also different.
Question. How can I get them connected? I think I need new API key for WC portal login.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.