The Eikon JET API utilizes a convenient navigation capability where other Eikon apps can be opened via it's core API 'navigation' function call. Refer to the [JET Core API Navigation documentation][1] for details.
The Eikon App to open is based on the 'name' field within the Navigation structure required by the call.
Can someone confirm an authoritative reference where the list of these Eikon App names are available? It was suggested to use: "%LocalAppData%\Thomson Reuters\Eikon User\Cache\LibraryCache\Apps\" to refer to the list of installed apps. However, some work and others do not. For example, referencing "THOMSONREUTERS.WORLDCLOCK" works while "THOMSONREUTERS.EIKON.QUOTE" does not. To get a quote, the name that works is: "Quote Object" which is not referenced.