Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
@anbezhilasokan.frm, You received a 403 Forbidden message for service discovery. It seems like your account is not permissioned to discover endpoints and might not have permission for streaming prices either. I would recommend to reach out to your Refinitiv account manager to resolve this.
Hi @anbezhilasokan.frm, Please download and run the service discovery example from here. It will discover and connect to the right endpoint. Your current hostname - "Elektron Rea-Time Service" is incorrect.
Hello @anbezhilasokan.frm
The example mentioned by my colleague is also available in "Refinitiv Real-Time — Optimized: Websocket API Sample Applications" package on the WebSocket API download page.
I suggest you check the Refinitiv Real-Time -- Optimized connection tutorial on this page.
Getting exception when connect Service Discovery
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.