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“AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'Definition'”

Error : response = search.Definition(view=asset_view, top=max, filter=filter_str, select=select_str).get_data(). It says that “AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'Definition'”

Code was based on Examples-> Commodities-> Shipping and Shipping assets and utilities shipping.ipynb.

Hello Team client is using this code:

import pandas as pd
import math
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rd
import as px
from refinitiv.dataplatform.content import search

select = "RIC, AssetName, Latitude, Longitude, OriginPort, DestinationPort, LocationDestination, LocationETA, LocationDraft, HullType"
port = 'Cristobal'

def discover_vessels_arriving_at_port(port_name='', select_str="RIC, AssetName, Latitude, Longitude",
asset_view=search.SearchViews.VesselPhysicalAssets, max=50):
filter_str = f"DestinationPort eq '{port_name}'"
response = search.Definition(view=asset_view, top=max,
filter=filter_str, select=select_str).get_data()

vessels_to_port_df =
vessels_to_port_df.dropna(subset=['LocationETA'], inplace=True)
vessels_to_port_df['ETA_Date'] = vessels_to_port_df['LocationETA'].apply(lambda x: x.split('T')[0])

return vessels_to_port_df

x = discover_vessels_arriving_at_port(port, select, max=500)

this code in codebook "asset_view=search.Views.VESSEL_PHYSICAL_ASSETS"

what i need to run as"asset_view=search.SearchViews.VesselPhysicalAssets"

the function discover_vessels need to run

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Hi @marceugene.belen, may I ask which vessels CodeBook examples you are referring to?
Is it "__Examples__/01. Data Retrieval and Discovery/01.01. Refinitiv Data Library/Access__Search.ipynb"?

Please note that the module '' has indeed no attribute 'Definition'; you can instead use lines such as, for example:

import as rd
    view = rd.discovery.Views.EQUITY_QUOTES,
    top = 10,
    filter = "( SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Equities' and (AvgVol5D gt 2000000 and ExchangeName xeq 'NYSE Consolidated'))",
    select = "DTSubjectName,ExchangeName,RIC,IssueISIN,Gics,AssetState,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,TickerSymbol,CUSIP,CinCUSIP,AvgVol5D,RCSCurrencyLeaf,RCSTRBC2012Leaf,ExDividendDate,AvgVol30D,AvgVol90D,MktCapCompanyUsd,Pe,OpProfitUsd",
    order_by = "AvgVol5D desc")
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Hi Jonathan! This is the path that Marc is referring to __Examples__/06. Commodities Research/06.03. Shipping/Shipping_Assets_Quickstart.ipynb

Hi @marceugene.belen, I ran the CodeBook example with no issue... I'm not sure I understand which part you might be stuck on in that example:


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Hello @jonathan.legrand thank you for the response. Will have a call with client and advise him to check this post thread. Client may add more information regarding his error. Thanks for the help.
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