(C) Copyright (C) 2019 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. RELEASE HISTORY PRIOR TO ESDK 1.2.0 ========================================================== Refer to Java/CHANGELOG for release history starting with EMA 3.2.0 (ESDK 1.2.0). --------------- 3.1.1.E2 E-LOAD --------------- [ESDK-929] - Java application does not receive updates after receiving the Status Message with no State information (Case No. 06436262 and GitHub #37) --------------- 3.1.1.E1 E-LOAD --------------- [ESDK-1120] - ConcurrentModificationException in EMA (GitHub #34) [ESDK-1220] - ConcurrentModificationException while invoking dispatch() (Case No. 06107164) [ESDK-1062] - EMA Java encountered java.lang.NullPointerException (Case No. 05958461 and Case No. 06107469) [ESDK-1223] - NullPointerException when requesting streaming and snapshot view requests in multiple threads [ESDK-1229] - NullPointerException when requesting invalid items (rejected), streaming and snapshot requests in multiple threads [ESDK-1086] - ItemCallback::processStatusMsg() receives Null pointer with channelset config [ESDK-1283] - EMA Java encountered java.lang.NullPointerException with aggregateViewAdd --------------- 3.1.1.L1 RRG --------------- [ESDK-462] - provide dictionary download feature for the EMA NIP [ESDK-651] - Enhancement: NIProvider doesn't support ChannelSet (GITHUB #30) [ESDK-438] - Enhancement - Allow the path of EmaConfig.xml file to be configurable [ESDK-703] - NIProvider failed to cache correct service Id when client sets adminControlDirectory with userControl [ESDK-449] - provide dictionary download feature for the EMA IP [ESDK-479] - create dictionary download application for the ema nip package [ESDK-482] - create dictionary download application for the ema IP package [ESDK-507] - Tunnel Streams: If the provider messages exceeds the recvWindowSize no message are received [ESDK-562] - EMA needs to be able to support setting of service name on the off stream post message [ESDK-364] - Reissue on directory handle or item handle may internally request on invalid handle [ESDK-394] - Invalid value of compressionThreshold give error and could not connect [ESDK-602] - Receive NPE when requesting a full source directory on channelset (GITHUB #23) [ESDK-652] - Bug: OmmNiProviderConfigImpl returns null instead of this (GITHUB #31) [ESDK-358] - Invalid config for tcpNodelay and REconnectMaxDelay defaults to incorrect defaults [ESDK-397] - Consumer does not exit on reaching reconnectAttemplLimit [ESDK-870] - NullPointer Exception TunnelItem.open(ItemCallbackClient.java:386) --------------- 3.1.0.L1 RRG --------------- [EMA-374] - EMAJ does not throw InvalidUsageException when Login, Dictionary or Directory timeout [EMA-757] - CaseId: 05388862 Receiving IndexOfBoundary Exception when logging out component info [EMA-880] - Status message shows incorrect host and port(ChannelSet) [EMA-919] - EMA Crash on itemcallbackClient when service is down on ads when consumer use local dictionary [EMA-527] - FieldEntry::getEnumDisplay() : EmaString interface [EMA-720] - CaseId: 04883420 Broken links in EMA Java ConfigGuide [EMA-769] - Create 332__Dictionary__UserControl [EMA-779] - CaseId: 04874840 Provide interface for user access of the internal EMA dictionary [EMA-840] - Add in TREP authentication support to EMA [EMA-843] - Implement TREP authentication extensions in EMA Java [EMA-854] - Move config parameters which reactor only exposes once to new section of EmaConfig.xml [EMA-858] - EMA Login Helper Extensions [EMA-859] - CaseId: 05125238 EMA Consumer application does not receive Login Close message [EMA-861] - CaseId: 05089491 Memory leak/growth in EMA consumer [EMA-887] - Should set logger severity to Trace when unable to locate EmaConfig.xml file [EMA-894] - CaseId: 05191095 EMA application crashes during fail over [EMA-903] - EMA Config Doc type-os [EMA-904] - Some performance examples are not consistently reusing objects [EMA-906] - asHex() throws Exception with RMTES data [EMA-921] - Tunnel stream layer fragmentation [EMA-922] - EMA's Login should have default values for userName, position, Application ID and Application Name [EMA-925] - EMAJ does not set the complete flag for the final part of dictionary message [EMA-954] - EMAJ is able to response enumtype definitions as multipart refresh message [EMA-980] - CaseId: 05393159 RmtesBuffer.apply() erases existing data on partial updates --------------- 3.0.4.L1 RRG --------------- [EMA-685] - Create 240__SourceDirectory__Fanout example [EMA-686] - Create 250__GroupStatus__Fanout example [EMA-693] - Reference Manual typo for OmmDateTime Hours range should be 0-23 not 0-59 [EMA-790] - GitHub #15: NullPointerException on closing OmmConsumer - Exception "ClosedSelectorException" on OmmConsumer exits [EMA-791] - GitHub #15: NullPointerException on closing OmmConsumer - Exception in thread "pool-2-thread-1" java.lang.NullPointerException in ETA during exit (NPE) [EMA-801] - NIP Examples encode Real values incorrectly [EMA-808] - Ema Exit (NPE) crash when run Consumer332(example332__Dictionary__Streaming) [EMA-828] - Occasional 100% CPU usage on Consumer applications. [EMA-366] - Add "qualified" tunnel streams (parent handle) [EMA-719] - CaseId: 04883420 EMA Java throws ClassCastException when configured for HTTP Connection type [EMA-853] - Add Interactive Provider Support --------------- 3.0.3.L1 RRG --------------- [EMA-365] - Add channelset (EMAJ) [Feature] [EMA-375] - EMAJ cannot send login request with the "User Token" nametype [EMA-414] - Although VIEW interface is supported at the EMA level, view requests are sent without ‘view definition’ (EMAJ) [EMA-489] - Create EMA performance tool (Consumer) [EMA-585] - Encode all message types with received all messages types (hybrid) [EMA-592] - Dictionary fails to load if the file does not end with a new line [EMA-619] - CaseId: 04749617 EMA Java throws a ClassCastException while processing a Batch Request [EMA-620] - CaseId: 04745892 NPE in EMA Java Batch example while making multiple batch requests [EMA-621] - CaseId: 04756012 EMA Java Consumer logs error messages when requesting multiple items [EMA-623] - Encoding a length-specified DateTime with nanoseconds returns INVALID_DATA. [EMA-645] - Document fix - move DirectWrite from Universal channel section to socket channel section [EMA-716] - Exception text is missing when Config file does not have Consumer configuration. [EMA-717] - Closing non-view request after requesting view and non-view does not result in a request to network [EMA-721] - Include TREP Template Service Pack 4.20.25_TREP_16.71 --------------- 3.0.2.L1 RRG --------------- [EMA-232] - Support component version feature (EMAJ) [EMA-555] - EMA does not support the High Water mark settings [EMA-412] - NumInputBuffers are not logged [EMA-618] - Invalid value connectionPingTimeout is not defaults to default value [EMA-644] - Add Non-Interactive Provider Support [EMA-646] - EMA does not support DirectWrite setting on socket channel --------------- 3.0.1.L1 RRG --------------- [EMA-431] - EMA Java critical performance enhancements [EMA-438] - Add the 360 view example into EMAJ [EMA-468] - Removal of lock while accessing local container entries [EMA-486] - Consumer may utilize 100% on virtual machines --------------- 3.0.0.L1 RRG --------------- Initial release of the API