# Properties for the RTBS Reuters connector # NB: These properties can be overriden / defined # in the RTBS source configuration screen instead. ############################################################################# # Reuters RFA Realtime connector configuration ############################################################################# # The default properties for the RFA configuration. sessionName=Murex::SSL user=owntsp position= application=256 mounttpi=true # Configure the QualityOfService Request. # * Ignored when subscribing to Concrete Services. # * Used when subscribing to Service Groups. # The Service Group List needs to be specified at the # RFA Session level in your RFA configuration. # # Dynamic/Static Stream # Default RFA value: # dynamicStream=false # # The timeliness interval # * REALTIME # * DELAYED # Default RFA values: # bestTimeliness=REALTIME # worstTimeliness=DELAYED # # The rate interval # * TICK_BY_TICK # * JUST_IN_TIME_FILTERED_RATE # * FASTEST_FILTERED_RATE # * SLOWEST_RATE # * Positive integer: the required rate in miliseconds # Default RFA values: # bestRate=TICK_BY_TICK # worstRate=SLOWEST_RATE # These parameters refer back to the environment. # Generally do not need to be changed. rtbsrfa.murex.entitlement.service.platform=MX rtbsrfa.murex.entitlement.service.nickname=MXCONTRIBUTION.ENTITLEMENT rtbsrfa.murex.entitlement.provider.name=dacsProvider # These parameters turns on / off the permissioning. # If this parameter is false, then the permissioning # data retrieved from Reuters is not converted to mx # entitlement ids and no entitlement verification to # access to the market data is performed on the MX # side. rtbsrfa.rtc.enableEntitlements=false # Set the number of clients that are processing # RFA market data events concurrently. rtbsrfa.rtc.marketDataClientNb=3 # Set the maximum number of RFA market data events # that can be kept in the market data client queue. # If the queue is full, then old events will be dropped # from the queue to avoid any memory leak. rtbsrfa.rtc.marketDataClientQueueSize=10000 # Set the interval (in miliseconds) after which the state # of the internal queue should be printed to the log file. rtbsrfa.monitor.interval=60000 # Set the Session API used to connect to RFA, supported values are (value is case sensitive) # - Marketfeed # - OMM # Default value if unset: Marketfeed rtbsrfa.session.type=Marketfeed # Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the login to complete # * negative values are equivalent to an infinite wait # * ignored in non-OMM session types rtbsrfa.rtc.omm.loginTimeout=120000 # Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for the dictionary loading to complete # * negative values are equivalent to an infinite wait # * ignored in non-OMM session types rtbsrfa.rtc.omm.dictionaryTimeout=120000 # Set the default name of the RMDS service, supported values are: # - "" (empty string - which is the default value) # - [rmds service name] # - [rmds service name].[sector] # - [rmds service name].[sector].[ignored] # Where # - empty values / components are ignored # - [sector] defaults to "ANY" (e.g. IDN_RDF is equivalent to IDN_RDF.ANY) # - [rmds service name] / [sector] values don't include any "." # Please note that it is recommended to set the RMDS service in the connectors launcher for monitoring purposes rtbsrfa.source.rmdsServiceName=IDN_SELECTFEED ############################################################################# # Reuters DataScope Select connector configuration ############################################################################# # Sets the DataScope Select username. reuters.dss.username= # Sets the DataScope Select password. reuters.dss.password= # Sets the DataScope Select connection protocol (ftp or sftp). #reuters.dss.protocol=ftp # Sets the DataScope Select host. reuters.dss.host= # Sets the DataScope Select TCP port. #reuters.dss.port= # Sets the FTP passive mode. #reuters.dss.ftpPassiveMode=true # Sets the location of the private key to be used for SFTP connection # to the DataScope Select server with public key authentication. # A non empty value activates this connection mode. #reuters.dss.privateKeyPath= # Sets the rate in millisecond at which subscription requests are sent. # Received subscriptions between that interval are batched and sent in # a single DataScope report request. #rtbsdss.subscriptionBatchingRateMs=10000 # Sets the rate in millisecond for polling report responses # from the DataScope Select server corresponding to the pending requests. #rtbsdss.responsePollRateMs=60000 # Sets the DataScope Select request timeout in millisecond, # that is the duration from the request creation to # the expiration check after which the pending request has expired. #rtbsdss.requestTimeoutMs=600000 # Sets the DataScope Select request expiration rate in millisecond, # that is the rate at which the pending requests are going to be # checked for expiration. #rtbsdss.requestExpirationRateMs=10000 # Sets the dump directory pointing to the local file system directory # where the DataScope Select requests and responses should be written to. # The dumping is deactivated if the path is undefined or empty. #rtbsdss.dumpDirectoryPath=