World-Check validating Schema. Copyright 2008-2012 World-Check All rights reserved. Each record is one profile taken from the database. All data inside the fields are taken from the database as-is. There is no transformation done and only some basic constraint checking is done. The only special case is the escpaping of the character. This special character is auto-escaped in xml-mode. The updated attribute is a 'wdate' because it needs to accept empty values even though use is set to required. Uid is unsigned since we do not have any negative UID values, should we seem some, that would mean it is an erronuous record. We have to make sure that e-i is only set to E or I. The record can only carry Individuals or Entities. This is a hard requirement, failure in validation automatically fail this particular record. This member sets up the special restrictions that apply on the fields which accept more than a simple ISO date. We set the age element to type 'byte' because this will exactly accept three integers in a positive range. It is highly unlikely that someone will be older than 126. The value 0 could be set as invalid age. It has to be unsigned because we do not accept the additional negative value that would result from a simply 'byte' restriction. Original pattern for validating string as date is : (19|20)[0-9]{2}\-(((09|04|06|11)\-(0[0-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9])|30)|(02\-((0[0-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9]))|(2[0-9]))|((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)\-((0[0-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9])|30|31))|(00\-00)). We use xs:date as base restriction. We need to extend it to accept a blank month and a blank day. The freetext which is contained within the locations field is the main data of this complexType. The ~ seperated inner fields are shown as attributed values; city, country and state. The country field is reused here. Since the field inside the database is missleading. We are doing this to stick up to the restrictions imposed by the World-Check Field Layout 2.5 We use the string type, because the anyURI type would fail. World-Check has some dirty URL strings, this is a work-around until the data in the database has been cleaned manually.