[Tue Apr 21 13:33:03 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Config Tree for the RSSL_Cons_Adapter is not found, using default configuration [Tue Apr 21 13:33:03 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: The RSSL_Cons_Adapter initialization succeeded [Tue Apr 21 13:33:03 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Using the following configuration for RSSL_Cons_Connection_Manager "Default::Connection_RSSL": requestQueueReadThreshold = 1, watchListTableSize = 10007, requestTimeout = 45000, itemPostTimeout = 15000, payloadCacheEnabled = False, payloadCacheLoadFileDictionary = True, payloadCacheDictionaryName = RDMFieldDictionary, payloadCacheDictionaryPerService = False, serverList = { elektron }, Connection capabilities: OMMMsgConnCapability [Tue Apr 21 13:33:03 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Warning: Batch request size may be limited due to throttling on RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002" [Tue Apr 21 13:33:03 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Using the following configuration for RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002": hostName = "elektron", rsslPort = "14002", interfaceName = "localhost", compressionType = 0, channelBlocking = false, recvBufSize = 65535, sendBufSize = 65535, writeBufferMaxFragmentLength = 6144, connectionWaitTimeout = 30000, connectionPingTimeout = 30000, guaranteedOutputBuffers = 400, numInputBuffers = 20, tcp_nodelay = True, throttleEnabled = True, throttleType = count, throttleMaxCount = 250, throttleBatchCount = 10, traceMsg = False, traceMsgToFile = False, dictionaryRequestTimeout = 45 [Tue Apr 21 13:33:05 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Unable to connect using RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002" failed. Make sure host is available. Will retry in 15000 milliseconds (Internal debug info: " Error: 1004 rsslGetHostByName() failed. Host name is incorrect. System errno: (11001) ") [Tue Apr 21 13:33:05 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Connection Status Changed, RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002" State: "Down" StatusCode: "None" StatusText: Connection down. Make sure the following tcp ip configuration is valid: host = elektron/14002. [Tue Apr 21 13:33:05 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Connection Status Changed, RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002" State: "Down" StatusCode: "None" StatusText: Connection down [Tue Apr 21 13:33:05 2020]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL elektron:14002" will be tried in 15000 milliseconds