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TR.EnvironmentPillarScore only returns NULL value I Same request 2 days ago worked fine

Dear Community,

I am trying to retreive ESG data with the TR.EnvironmentPillarScore function through the Excel Add-On API.

However the same function which worked two days ago now returns a NULL value for all inputs.



AK2=Output Cell

F9= 03.07.2016

Double checking with the Python API also only returns NaNs. What can the problem be?

Thanks in advance!

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I used the following formula to get the data.

=@TR("BNPP.PA","TR.EnvironmentPillarScore","SDate=2016-07-03 CH=Fd RH=IN",F2)

The output is:


The following is the output from Eikon Data API.


If the problem happens with the formula in the Eikon Excel, please contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify what the problem is.

1689046443590.png (11.3 KiB)
1689046465621.png (10.2 KiB)
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Hi, I ran your suggestion since I have the same issue. The result was the same. Still retrieving NULL values. All ESG data is NULL.


You can test it by retrieving the data in Eikon Excel. If the result from the Eikon Excel is also NULL, please contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify what the problem is.

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