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你好,这是你们的工具类,我们已经生产环境里面获取到了username password clientId,这个host是什么,position是什么,能否给我们提示

public static String server;
public static String hostname = "";
public static String port = "15000";
public static String user = "root";
public static String position = "";
public static String appId = "256";
public static WebSocket ws = null;


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You have mentioned the username, password, and clientId. I assume that you are connecting to Refinitiv Real-Time Optimized (RTO).

To connect to RTO, please refer to the examples in the rdp folder on GitHub. You can run the MarketPriceRdpGwServiceDiscovery example.

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10 |1500

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