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Couldn't get RIC list for chain RIC 0#.MAIIf and 0#.SETIf

Couldn't get RIC list for chain RIC 0#.MAIIf and 0#.SETIf with 'getdata' in Eikon API (python3)

It works for other chain RICs but not these two.

Can anyone please let me know how I can retrieve all ric list?

Below is information regarding these 2 chain rics:

Thank you,

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Hi @Caiwen.Han

It seems that the service Eikon Data API retrieves the information from, cannot resolve 0#.MAIIf RIC code.

This is my API call:

You can to contact Refinitiv Helpdesk and ask that the case is redirected to "technical support".

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ahs2.png (15.6 KiB)
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According to tech support response, this is an Eikon data issue, a Jira ticket has been submitted, hope this issue can be fixed as soon as possible.

icon clock
10 |1500

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