
1 1 1 3 formatting


I am a long term TRKD user but I've only been recently aware of TR document entitled "TRKD News Formatting Rules". I've somehow tried to implement it. But I am now disappointed. Let me explain that we are awaiting an HTML formatting, which is, i imagine a common case.

We could certainly with some hard work recognize each state of this 26 line by line treatment but :

  • why isn't it available out of the box to get clean HTML ? Do you have plans on providing it ?
  • do you provide an implementation (in any language) ? which could benefit each of your client !

as an example,let's consider nL5N18E2FO and first line which matches rule 2 of chapter 3. Even properly recognized, I have to delete * because it's replaced by <ul><li>. This is the case for each rule of chapter 3. That's an hard work for no real benefit, it should be clean HTML !

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Dear TRKD API client ,

Thanks for raising your concern about our news formatting.

We are fully aware of the difficulties that you experience with the formatting of our news. We have some plans to upgrade our news infrastructure. With that upgrade , we want to extend our offering with HTML formatted stories which should solve your formatting issues.

I don't have yet a view on the timing .

If you need some more details , please reach out to your account manager and I will setup a call with you. We can do the call in French.

kind regards

Wim Ooms

Product Manager TRKD API

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Hello Wim and thanks for confirming that Thomson Reuters is working on this topic. Even imprecisely, can we expect this to be released before 2017 ?


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Hello Wim

Is there any good news on this topic one year later :-/


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