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Desktop.SDK.DataAccess no response


I have built a basic c# app to query the api, your college Jirapongse tested my code and was able to get a response. I have been trying for two days and still am unable to get any messages back. When I run the example app, i get a response.

What could possibly be the reason I get nothing back ?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

WIth no answer , thats why I open a new ticket. As I was told to do ! So why you closing it ?

Who asked you to start a new post? From what I can see that previous question is not completed, and it is the same issue.

There seems to be little help we can provide here, since the problem seems to be with your development environment - to which we do not have any visibility. And from the question - you are able to successfully run the sample application.

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