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How to fetch Quaterly TotalRevenue and TR.DilutedWghtdAvgShares data for RICs

I'm looking for "Quaterly" data for RevenuePerShare or "Quaterly" data for Total Revenue and TR.DilutedWghtdAvgShares
Annual data is available need assistance in fetching the quaterly data

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1 Answer

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32.2k 40 11 20

Hello @BlackBird ,

You can try this code:

df, err = ek.get_data(
    instruments = ['IBM.N'],
    fields = [


On my side the result looks like:


If this is not exactly what you are looking for, I have arrived at this code using Code Creator tool available in Refinitiv Workspace/Eikon, "codecr". You can use the tool to identify the available content by selecting:

  • Instrument (for example IBM)
  • Fields (search by description)
  • Parameters ( check-mark Time Series option and select Quarter)

and adding to your formula that can next be copied to your code.

If you are unable to pinpoint the content you are looking for via the tool, or have questions about this content, as a customer you can engage with Eikon support experts via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon to help you identify the required content via formula first, and next copy the identified formula into your code.

Hope that this information helps

totrevenue.gif (14.7 KiB)
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Hi ,

Thank you for the information.

For this question, I will accept the below answer as it helped us figure out the quarterly data.



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