Wildcards in news search
Hello, I'm trying to build a news query and was wondering if there was a way to pass through freetext phrases that could use wildcards. For example, I have this below ( ( Topic:FUND AND Language:LEN ) NOT ( Source:DJN OR Source:FT ) NOT ( \"Net Asset\" ) ) But the text search ignores the filter if the news phrase is "Net…
Evariste NYOUKI
Hello I want to retrieve open interest data on some futures contracts. With ek.get_data, I can indeed retrieve the last data. But what I want is the price series. And with ek.get_timeseries, it doesn't work: I get NA values. Does anyone have a solution?
Is there a best python library to open/process the worldscope FTP files?
How do i do to get the historical list of constituents for NASDAQ, say from 1994-2024?
How do i do to get the historical list of constituents for NASDAQ, say from 1994-2024? I want to get it to excel.
Query on blank update received for LCOF6
Our client is a RTMDS consumer for RT data and have the following question. We are seeing for some instruments we receive blank updates in between actual updates something like this - ``` DoNotRipple seqNum="14798" name="LCOF6" serviceId="259" serviceName="hEDD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry…
DSS REST API - empty response if number of ISINs exceeds 250
The issue is when client try to extract more than 250 ISIN, they get an empty answer from the server. Please note that if client use 10 isins, client can extract with API perfectly, if client repeat those isin 100 times (so 1000 total isin requested) client get an empty answer, so the isins are not the problem. The problem…
Does Eikon API library work via Fabric notebooks?
I wonder if there is a way to be using eikon library via Fabric notebooks ? like so: # Connect to Refinitiv and get datadf_holdings, FundHoldings = ek.get_data([fund_isin],['TR.FundHoldingName', 'TR.FundHoldingRIC','TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets', 'TR.FundLatestFilingDate'],{'Endnum':'5000'}) would you have a code sample…
WC1 v3 Missing API endpoints
I was going through the WOrld Check One API v3 Postman Schema and noticed that some of the API endpoints that I available in V2 are not available in v3? For example: the endpoint to Update Case Rating is available in v2 but not in v3. Is V3 not yet ready or are those endpoinds missing for a reason?
Default TimeZone
What is the default timezone for all timestamps of World Check One API v2 and v3?
RDP instrument search and Entitlements
We pull instruments using these following queries from RDP /search api. curl --location "https://api.refinitiv.com/search/beta1/" --header "content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ....” --data "{ \"View\": \"SearchAll\", \"Filter\": \"RIC eq 'MNI50500J5'\", \"Select\": \"RIC, RicRoot,…
Extract bond issuance data on YTM and Credit Rating. Returned values are "NULL" – SOLVE issue
I am looking to analyse primary bond data and need the YTD and Credit Ratings at issuance. For some bonds I used the formula builder and "Yield to Maturity" function to extract YTM at issuance for data. For some, however, it returned "NULL" or an empty row. What does "NULL" and empty row imply in this context? Is data…
Websocket API - Streaming
Hi, Customer Banco BEST developed a streaming application with Websocket API to subscribe real time data from a RTDS deployed infrastructure. This is working pretty well, but customer identified that sometimes there are RICs not receiving data being requested to RTDS, mainly related with Indices like .FTSE and .GDAXI…
filter companies by natural gas use / natural gas purchase
Hi, I would like to filter companies by their natural gas consumption/purchase. Is this possible? So far I have not been able to find a suitable filter. Thanks for your support!
Do we have RDP Search Java library
We are utilizing RDP search api from our Java backend services to get Options contract list. We are making simple WebClient calls to get this information. Are there any JAVA RDP search libraries which we could use for this purpose(like making the RDP connection, deserializing the search response to mapper objects etc?) ?
getting different historic prices with HistoricalPricing and FundamentalAndReference.
Hi, I am getting different prices for 12/31/2024 from HistoricalPricing and FundamentalAndReference methods for below securities…
Reusing desktop session for multiple requests
Hi, I am using single desktop session to serve multiple data requests. Could this create intermittent slow response from data api? Could this be reason of intermittent bad request error 400? if (session != null && session.OpenState == Session.State.Opened) { var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0));…
Legacy SFC vs EMA SDK treatment of 0 prices (+0/-0 vs Data::BlankEnum)
Hello LSEG Experts, we have migrated from using the deprecated SFC C++ API to the new EMA SDK and we have noticed that there was a logic in place to handle the reception of signed 0 prices, according to this convention that is also mentioned in this thread: [The positive zero (+0) represents a blank while the negative zero…
Is it possible to make a connection to Eikon data API through a Python script in AWS?.
Hi all, I have a python script to retrieve data using Eikon Data API, which works when I run it in my local visual studio code, but I wanted to automate it through AWS. Here the connection is not working because (I believe) to do it through the API, a session must be logged in in the Eikon terminal. This is the error it's…
Refinitiv workspace exe gets hang sometimes and gives bad request error 400
I am using Refinitiv Data Platform libraries for .Net through Desktop session. It works fine usually but sometimes Refinitiv workspace gets hang and I start receiving backend error: 400 bad request. It doesn't work even after service restart and machine restart also. During this process, I receive below error sometimes:…
analyst forecast data and actual EPS data for all US firms
Hello team, reaching out on behalf of a client. Could you please help me with getting the analyst forecast data and actual EPS data for all US firms from 2000-2024 via Python? We cannot use Excel since the number of firms is too large.