Access Denied to pricing data
Hello, On sending any pricing request via the LDP API in a local Python environment (i.e. in VSCode which is outside of Codebook), I receive the following debug error message: [2025-02-15T17:05:49.740994+00:00] - [DEBUG] - [sessions.platform.ldp.0] - [132056015177280] | Msg-Proc-ThreadOMMSTREAMING_PRICING_0.0…
Annual fundamentals data and institutional holdings data
Hello I am trying to download fundamentals data for a number of years (2000-2024) and RICs. The code I use is like this: data_items = [ "TR.CIKNumber", "TR.NAICSIndustryGroupCode", "TR.TotalAssets.date", "TR.NumberOfAnalysts", "TR.TotalCurrentAssets" ] parameters = { "SDate": start_date, "EDate": end_date, "Frq": "Y",…
Query on Import errors while running automated test case using Jest
Hi All, We are trying to repackage ef-datetime-picker component using StencilJS. Integration worked well, we are able to use the component. However we are having trouble in executing automated testcase using Jest. Jest Version : 29 babel version : 7 StencilJs version: 4 Added below code in stencil.config file to parse the…
Using Python API: Check all elements in a list are a valid RIC
My ultimate aim is to be able to do a Ekion Python API query like this df_ric, err = ek.get_data(RIC_List, ['TR.PriceClose','TRDPRC_1'],) Where RIC_List has 1800 elements, 99% of which are RICs in string format and the remaining 1% are not RICs and need to be skipped automatically. (Querying each element using a "try"…
analyst forecast data and actual EPS data for all US firms
Hello team, reaching out on behalf of a client. Could you please help me with getting the analyst forecast data and actual EPS data for all US firms from 2000-2024 via Python? We cannot use Excel since the number of firms is too large.
RTSDK Interactive Provider vs NonInteractive Provider
Hi, we'd like to write a data publisher to TREP using RTSDK. This publisher will receive streaming data, do some translation and then publish the data to TREP. We started with using the NonInteractive Provider since we need this process to publish data whenever it receives it. But during testing, we can't see the data in…
Wildcards in news search
Hello, I'm trying to build a news query and was wondering if there was a way to pass through freetext phrases that could use wildcards. For example, I have this below ( ( Topic:FUND AND Language:LEN ) NOT ( Source:DJN OR Source:FT ) NOT ( \"Net Asset\" ) ) But the text search ignores the filter if the news phrase is "Net…
News API filters exclusions
I'm trying to filter out news through the EIKON api and have built the following query. I would expect this to exclude news items sourced from LSE but I find news items from this in my resultset. ( ( Topic:FUND AND Language:LEN ) NOT ( Source:DJN OR Source:NBSX OR Source:HIIS OR Source:HOSE OR Source:PHSE OR Source:BSE OR…
Query on blank update received for LCOF6
Our client is a RTMDS consumer for RT data and have the following question. We are seeing for some instruments we receive blank updates in between actual updates something like this - ``` DoNotRipple seqNum="14798" name="LCOF6" serviceId="259" serviceName="hEDD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry…
Does Eikon API library work via Fabric notebooks?
I wonder if there is a way to be using eikon library via Fabric notebooks ? like so: # Connect to Refinitiv and get datadf_holdings, FundHoldings = ek.get_data([fund_isin],['TR.FundHoldingName', 'TR.FundHoldingRIC','TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets', 'TR.FundLatestFilingDate'],{'Endnum':'5000'}) would you have a code sample…
Evariste NYOUKI
Hello I want to retrieve open interest data on some futures contracts. With ek.get_data, I can indeed retrieve the last data. But what I want is the price series. And with ek.get_timeseries, it doesn't work: I get NA values. Does anyone have a solution?
Is there a best python library to open/process the worldscope FTP files?
How do i do to get the historical list of constituents for NASDAQ, say from 1994-2024?
How do i do to get the historical list of constituents for NASDAQ, say from 1994-2024? I want to get it to excel.
DSS REST API - empty response if number of ISINs exceeds 250
The issue is when client try to extract more than 250 ISIN, they get an empty answer from the server. Please note that if client use 10 isins, client can extract with API perfectly, if client repeat those isin 100 times (so 1000 total isin requested) client get an empty answer, so the isins are not the problem. The problem…
Cannot prepare connection OMMStreamConnection when running in Pycharm IDE vs Codebook
I run the following code in codebook and it’s fine: import refinitiv.data as rd from refinitiv.data.content import pricing contract = 'CL' rd.open_session() ice_oil = ['LCO', 'LGO'] chain = pricing.chain.Definition(name=f"0#/{contract}:").get_stream() chain.open(with_updates=False) chain.close() if contract in ice_oil:…