Hi, I am currently implementing some functions of the WC1 api on our environment. Therefore I am entitled to the trial environment but not to our existing production environment. In this regard I tried to implement the ongoingscreeningupdates call. There is no option to define a group id , right? So I have a strange…
We are planning to implement Asynchronous screening APIs. In Claims system, we screen entities (individual/organization) when a Payment is issued. Currently, we are calling Synchronous API when a system user is trying to post Payment to verify if Payee is flagged. If there is a strong match, we throw a business error…
Hi, We use your endpoint /cases/summaries with our caseIds (max 40) to know which case is to update or create. We have cases ids with special characters like ' or [. When we call the Api with this specials characters we got 400 and 500 errors. We already tried encode this charactersin UTF-8 but with no success because the…
Hi Expert, Are the values of "World-Check Total Matches" and "Total Matches" will be the same in case screening report? Best Regards Rebecca
World Check One PILOT API Case Screening 401 Unauthorized. Hello, My company has been using the PILOT environment for some time on v1 to screen entities via our KYC application. Yesterday we started getting errors on this. Our Prod account is working fine. Err: "Encountered an error in the World Check One API while…
Hi, I'm trying to perform a case research using this end point: https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v2/cases/search/ https://developers.refinitiv.com/content/dam/devportal/en_us/product-docs/wc1-api/documentation/v2/schema-reference/wc1-api-schema-reference-documentation.html#tag/case-search/paths/~1cases~1search/post The…
Hi, The following end points return a 404 error * cases/{{case-system-id}}/archive * cases/{{case-system-id}}/delete The following end points don't work * /cases/bulk/archive * /cases/bulk/delete and return this error : "errors": [ { "error": "CASE_NOT_FOUND", "cause": "API key does not have permission to access the case…
Dear Sir or Madam I'm currently having troubles generating the correct HMAC-SHA256 value for the authorization header. Using Microsoft's AL (Application Language) for Business Central, I try to recreate your example from the documentation. Unfortunately, the result is: zB9jBerPDKkVMJwKlZHbqDaKe3WS/eI+nvC4+JVzHIc= Even this…
--- http_interactions: - request: method: post uri: https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v1/cases/5jb7ysi13r5a1guvhfwxqtbh2/screeningRequest body: encoding: UTF-8 string: '' headers: Date: - Mon, 25 Jul 2022 06:52:56 GMT Authorization: - Signature…
...ia-Check details."}] Randomly we get the following error on the get adverse media endpoint: The error is: Status: 500 Body: [{"error":"MEDIA_CHECK_DETAILS_RETRIEVAL_FAILED","cause":"Failed to retrieve Media-Check details."}] Details of request below: System case Id: 5jb71wnium821gvkkreqsjq7g URL:…
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