...ranch code
I'm attempting to run a branch of Website (in this case 13.7 now that it is 14.0). I've pulled the code down, compiled it, and setup a new site on my local IIS to run the branch. I've also pulled down the StaticContent branch for that release to make sure things are in sync, but in this case I just redirected the existing StaticContent site in IIS to the new code location. I ran a deploy static content script specific to my product and branch static content location.
I can get to the routing page fine but when I go to the signon page and click signon I get the error:
Cobalt.Url.Rest.SignOnPing is not a function
I noticed that in the source file the logon screen references: this data. I'm running Website for the branch on 88 (and I've stopped the non-branch version of the site). Static content is running on port 81. Why is this URL not including a port reference?