Problems with delivery of big documents on MAF (using deliveryServlet)
I'm trying to fix a bug regarding the delivery of large documents in MAF using the deliveryServlet, basically when delivering the entire "Civil code" (which consists in thousands of articles, each one is a separate Novus document) the process fails, but in very specific circumstances, I'll try to keep this post as brief as a I can.
**Test Setup:** IE8 with file download security enabled (this means that every time you try to download a file a ugly yellow notification bar appears in the top of the browser blocking the download and asking you if you really want to download that file)
When the yellow security bar blocks the download the application displays an error, after that if you click in the yellow bar and unblock the download the page reloads, after a couple of minutes the download dialog is shown and you get the chance of actually download the file (800KB, 453 pages, 1528 articles), but if you leave the delivery dialog unattended for a couple of minutes and try to save the file it will download only part of it (a corrupted PDF) and the application will show an error message.
With Firefox and IE9 the delivery is successful,I believe that it's due to: firstly because there's no annoying security yellow bar, and secondly because both browsers start downloading (in the background) all files even if you haven't click on "save" button in the delivery dialog yet, if you leave the delivery dialog unattended an then click on save the file is already downloaded and that saves you time (browser feature), this means that theres no lag between the appearing of the download dialog and the actual beginning of the download, just like clicking "save" as soon as the dialog pops up.
Anyone has experienced something like this?
According to the logs there's only a "Connection reset" error when the delivery fails.
If you need a more detailed explanation please contact me.