I would like to request only some ownership data for BMW. So far my request is as follows:
=TR("BMWG.DE";"TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld;TR.InvestorFullName";"SDate=03/2011 CH=Fd RH=IN;calcdate NULL=.";B3)
This works fine. However, I download so many observations that are rather useless (ownership data which is 0 or 0.01). Thus, I would like to filter so that I only download observations with ownership of more than 0.01%. I found out that I can use the EndNum=500 for instance. Unfortunately, this does not ensure a 0.01% cutoff. Is there a way to use something like: if PctOfSharesOutHeld>0.01 in the request? Since I plan to download ownership data for several quarters and for thousands of companies this cutoff is important to me in order not to exceed the maximum allowed rows in Excel.