I am having trouble visualising the way to deal with the TickHistoryRawExtractionRequest csv data.
I am fine with the key value nature of the raw data, but it is more the understanding of how to deal with a identifier line, with the related key value lines underneath, e.g.:
#RIC,Domain,Date-Time,GMT Offset,Type,MsgClass/FID number,UpdateType/Action,FID Name,FID Value,FID Enum String,PE Code,Template Number,Key/Msg Sequence Number,Number of FIDs
EUR=,Market Price,2017-09-29T12:00:00.262065741Z,+0,Raw,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED,,,,213,,37182,4
EUR=,Market Price,2017-09-29T12:00:00.626077969Z,+0,Raw,UPDATE,UNSPECIFIED,,,,213,,37198,34
Does anyone have any code of how they handled this? Or just advice?
Any language will be graciously received.