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Determining the Collection Set of a Category Page
John Martell
In WLN, how can I determine what collection set a given category page resides in? I have the URL of the category page.
I was under the impression that I could find this information viewing the rendered markup but have not been able to do so.
Essentially I am trying to view the XML of a few category pages in Easel and require the collection or collection set to do this. Is there perhaps another way to view the XML without knowing the collection/collection set information.
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Accepted answers
Erik Hyrkas
> To look at the raw XML used to build
> the category page, you can go into
> Easel and run a search on the
> w_cb_catpages_cs collection set or the
> w_cb_catpages collection. Use the page
> URL (e.g., =pageurl(Home/News)) or the
> page label (e.g., =pagelabel(texas +1
> state)) as the query. You can also
> search by the content type (e.g.,
> =content(LEGHISTORY)). Example: I want to look at the XML for the News
> category page (path is
> /Browse/Home/News). Running the search
> =pageurl(Home/News) on the w_cb_catpages_cs collection set should
> return the category page.
I'm taking this information from here:
All comments
Erik Hyrkas
> To look at the raw XML used to build
> the category page, you can go into
> Easel and run a search on the
> w_cb_catpages_cs collection set or the
> w_cb_catpages collection. Use the page
> URL (e.g., =pageurl(Home/News)) or the
> page label (e.g., =pagelabel(texas +1
> state)) as the query. You can also
> search by the content type (e.g.,
> =content(LEGHISTORY)). Example: I want to look at the XML for the News
> category page (path is
> /Browse/Home/News). Running the search
> =pageurl(Home/News) on the w_cb_catpages_cs collection set should
> return the category page.
I'm taking this information from here:
Madhu Pusarla
Sign into WestlawNext and append /BrowsePreview/Home to the base URL. You will see the Category Page Collection Set.
John Martell
Thanks! I didn't realize all of the category pages are in the same collection set.
To clarify, there are different category page collections sets and they depend on the product/configuration:
For WLN, the collection set is:
PROD: w_cb_catpages_cs
CI/DEMO/QED: w_cb_catpagestst_cs
CI/DEMO/QED (with USETESTCATEGORYPAGES as client ID): w_cb_app_cs
For FormBuilder,
Unsure: w_fa_catpages_cs
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