like "LSTSALCOND":"0", "LSTSALCOND":"100", "LSTSALCOND":"104" and etc. What does these meaning?
Dear colleague/customer,
Data Model Discovery can provide venue field lists and field values for standardised enumerated fields. The value of "free" text entry fields, i.e. of the specification RMTES_STRING is exchange specific, i.e, is different from one to another exchange. Information about what possible values may exist can be obtained by contacting our help desk.
I have done that for your and got the following answer:
For the LSTSALCOND (#4756), we areshowing the native Trade Type value from Exchange feed directly. Thisinformation does not show on HKEx website but matches Exchange FeedSpecification as follow.
TrdType on left column is the in-feednative value supported in LSTSALCOND (#4756);
Public Trade Type is the informationadopt for long, we would update it in ACT_FLAG1 (#975) and TRD_IND_1 (#4465).
Clients can also refer to HKEx website (link)for further Trade Type description and elaboration.
Thanks for your help. I know the trade type from HKEX official website but don't know how match them with LSTSALCOND field.
Does REUTERS provides the document about the value interpretation of certain filed (like LSTSALCOND, BIDXID) in different market? Those information don't include in the venue guide.
Hi Yang Bai, in general the customer zone
and then the Helpdesk is the best way to obtain this information. Best regards,Roland
In order to find the meanings of LSTSALCOND for a particular exchange, other than contacting he Helpdesk, are there any documentations anywhere? For example, what're the codes (0, 1, 2) mean for Equities market data feeds for for London Stock Exchange? If I want to know about Euronext, how should I go about it? Thanks,