This code works when executed as a command line application, but the call to Session.Acquire hangs when run from an IIS application. This issue affects v8.1.0.1. However, v7.x works correctly.
if (Context.Initialize() == false)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to initialize RFA Context.");
cfgDataBase = ConfigDatabase.Acquire(new RFA_String("RFA")); if (cfgDataBase == null)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to acquire RFA Config Database");
stgCfgDataBase = StagingConfigDatabase.Create();
if (stgCfgDataBase == null)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to create RFA Staging Database");
var result = stgCfgDataBase.Load(ConfigRepositoryTypeEnum.flatFile, new RFA_String("./ElektronRFAConfig.cfg"));
if (result == false)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to load RFA Config Database");
result = cfgDataBase.Merge(stgCfgDataBase);
if (result == false)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to merge RFA Staging and Config Databases");
eventQueue = EventQueue.Create(new RFA_String("Queue1"));
if (eventQueue == null)
throw new System.Exception("Failed to create application event queue.");
session = Session.Acquire(new RFA_String("Session1"));