Please provide an example of the DSS Rest API request/response results for the attached list of instruments. I can access the data via teh GUI but struggling to get it via the API.
Thanks to your report template I now see you want to retrieve an intraday price snapshot.
Getting the bid and ask prices for your list of RICs in the screenshot
This request body delivers the bid and ask price for all RICs in capture1.jpg:
{ "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.IntradayPricingExtractionRequest", "ContentFieldNames": [ "RIC", "Ask Price", "Bid Price", "Currency Code", "Exchange Code", "Instrument ID", "Instrument ID Type", "Trade Date", "Volume" ], "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList", "InstrumentIdentifiers": [ { "Identifier": "XS1452710962=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1452800797=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1452801175=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1471949195=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1471949864=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1471975430=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1471993763=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1511977875=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1511977958=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" } ], "ValidationOptions": { "AllowOpenAccessInstruments": true } }, "Condition": { "ScalableCurrency": true } }}
Note that I specified a validation option:
"ValidationOptions": { "AllowOpenAccessInstruments": true }
If you set that to false (or do not set it) then you get a "Not Found" error for all these instruments.
I am not a data specialist, I cannot explain why these RICs qualify as Open Access instruments. For data content query like this one, the best and speediest way to receive an answer is to open a content-related enquiry via My Account or to call the Thomson Reuters Help Desk directly.
ISIN XS1068108932
I tried changing the instrument list in the query above, to test the RICs you listed:
{ "Identifier": "XS1068108932=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1068108932", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "GB106810893=BARL", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "GB106810893=", "IdentifierType": "Ric" }, { "Identifier": "XS1068108932", "IdentifierType": "Isin" }
I did a search for RICs corresponding to ISIN XS1068108932, it delivers the 2 RICs you mention, the 3rd result is the ISIN itself, not a RIC:
That is why RIC XS1068108932 is not found.
I cannot tell you why the search for RIC XS1068108932=BARL returned the message "No securities found.". For that, and to understand why some of these instruments have null prices, please open a content-related enquiry via My Account or call the Thomson Reuters Help Desk directly.
Note: converting ISINs to RICs can be tricky. I suggest you read this article, it should help you understand what API calls and searches you can use, depending on your use case.
Side note
Please try to start a new thread for each new query (without duplicating queries), that will help everyone find related things.
@preshan.govinder, your screenshot only shows a list of RICs, with Bid and Ask price. What are you trying to achieve ? Is this to get a snapshot of the latest of these values, or something else ? Please describe your use case so we can help you out. Alternatively, tell us how you got this through the GUI.
Hi Christiaan,
I'm trying to replicate the results in the screenshot via the REST API.
Thus for the instruments in the screenshot, I would like to get the data via an API call however when I conduct the API call the system doesn't recognize the RIC, however the data is available when I conduct an extraction via the GUI,
Asyou can see, there is quite a bit of information provided, but alas, no Bid orAsk prices to be seen. Furthermore, the search for RIC=XS1068108932=BARLreturned the message "No securities found." (this was within theDatascope Select "Instrument Search" console). HOWEVER, thesearch for Isin= XS1068108932 does return a few options in the DatascopeSelect "Instrument Search" console, but these have RIC codes asfollows:
Noneof these Instruments, however, were able to return any Bid or Ask prices whenincluded in the report. Sorry for all of the issues here, hopefully wecan have this resolved soon.
Hereare the definitions for the Instrument List and for the Report Template:halointraday-rpt-definition.txt
@preshan.govinder Hi Preshan, not sure if my response in: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/33872/dss-rest-api-requestresponse-2.html helps/helped at all with this?
Duplicate of this thread.
This worked perfectly! Really Appreciate the help.
Hi Gareth, yes this did help. The most important part was setting the validation option "allowOpenAccessinstruments" = True