Hello @On Law
You can also configure the app ID using the "userName" parameter under the SSL Connection configuration. For example, "test+259" for username: "test" with AppId: 259.
Unfortunately, there is no RFA SSL connection parameter to set app ID explicitly. An application can set it in the source code i.e. TokenizedPrincipalIdentity instance. This class is used to represent the principal(username, position, and app ID) to authenticate a user remotely(SSL connection to ADS).
The example snipped source code:
TokenizedPrincipalIdentity _tokenizedPI; ... _tokenizedPI = new TokenizedPrincipalIdentity(); ... String tokenString = user; if (!application.equals("")) { tokenString = tokenString + "+" + application; if (!position.equals("")) tokenString = tokenString + "+" + position; } _tokenizedPI.setBuffer(tokenString.getBytes()); ... _session = Session.acquire(_sessionName, _tokenizedPI);
The complete example application source code is MDSubDemo located in [RFA_Java_Package]\Legacy\Examples\com\reuters\rfa\legacyexample\session\mdsub
To run the application, in the command line use -mounttpi true to specify the application using TokenizedPrincipalIdentity instead of StandardPrincipalIdentity(used in local authentication i.e. SASS3 connection).
The example parameters for MDSubDemo which set app ID(-application) to be 146:
-session SSLNamespace::pageSSLSession -serviceName ELEKTRON_SSL -itemName TRI.N -mounttpi true -user pimchaya -application 146 -position -runTime 600
For more details of each MDSubDemo's parameters, please refer to package.html in the application source code folder.
I am sorry that I just found that there is userName parameters in SSL connection that you can use in setting app ID.
In summary, to set app ID, you can use one of the following way:
- TokenizedPrincipalIdentity class in the application source code as I explained above.
- userName parameters in SSL connection explained by veerapath below.
If both ways are applied, app ID set in the application source code is used.
Thanks all for your prompt response.