Hi team,
I am trying to run MarketPrice code with Streaming enabled with the following request:
"ID": 2,
"View": [
"Key": {"Name": "/IBM.N"}
The refresh message looks like below:
"Type": "Refresh",
"Fields": {
"TRDPRC_1": 133,
"VWAP": 133.3776,
"ASK": 0,
"ACVOL_1": 833842,
"BID_ASK_DT": "2019-08-20",
"BID": 0,
"Qos": {
"Rate": "JitConflated",
"Timeliness": "Realtime"
"State": {
"Stream": "Open",
"Data": "Ok",
"Text": "*All is well"
"PermData": "AwEBQBfA",
"ID": 2,
"SeqNumber": 15088,
"Key": {
"Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
"Name": "/IBM.N"
So I am expecting multiple events after it but looks like I get an update every 30 seconds or so. I see following sort of update messages:
"DoNotConflate": true,
"DoNotRipple": true,
"ID": 2,
"SeqNumber": 45454,
"UpdateType": "Multiple",
And when I read about UpdateType as "Multiple" , it says the response is filtered and conflated. But how to not do it and get all the events?