Issue with TR UPA Java Consumer APIs - DecodeMapEntry failed UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE
I am developing a Consumer application using the TR UPA Java APIs. The Consumer application connects to UCDP system and - after Login, Source and Directory requests - makes a STORY domain request. While trying to handle the STORY domain response I am running into following error:
DecodeMapEntry() failed:
For reference I am using the "Example" classes, mostly unchanged, provided with the UPA Java API and demo distribution and here is the actual API information as it dumps to the screen upon startup:
Ultra Performance API (UPA), Java Edition, LibraryVersionInfo
productVersion: upaj7.4.0.L1.all.rrg
productInternalVersion: upaj7.4.F9
productDate: Fri May 16 12:00:00 CST 2014 Thomson Reuters
I duplicated the code for MarketPriceHandler for handling STORY response and from what I can see the exception/error is coming from base UPA libraries - or more likely - because of incorrect use of UPA APIs in my application.
I would appreciate any help.