I am in the process of starting to implement the OnDemand IntradayPricingReport and EndOfDayPricingReport requests and had some general questions.
- How often (what times) should we request the IntradayPricingReport within a day? Is this dependant on the requested RICs?
- What time should we request the EndOfDayPricing Report? Is this dependant on the requested RICs?
- As we using a small library of RICs that we are interested in, I assume for each of these reports we would request a number of RICs in a single go as long as they don’t exceed the limits. I have seen some of the limits on https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi.Help/Home/ExtractionLimits. Or should we request a report per RIC?
- As I am doing an OnDemand request, I build a list of Instruments dynamically. How can I add Chain RICs to the instrument list? For example RIC 0#CL:
- I tried to create an Instrument List on the Web front end using a chain RIC, but the search facility is unable to find the RIC 0#CL: Any ideas what I am doing wrong?