Hello, I want to calclulate historical insititutional ownership for S&P500 companies using the Eikon Formula Builder. To get the amount of shares owned by institutional investors I use: @TR(C1;"TR.InvestorType;TR.SharesHeld";VERKETTEN("SDate=";TEXT(A1;"jjjj-MM-tt");" CH=Fd Transpose=Y");D1). To retrieve the amount of shares outstanding for this point in time I use @TR(B2;"TR.CompanySharesOutstanding(Adjusted=1)";VERKETTEN("SDate=";TEXT(A2;"jjjj-MM-tt");" CH=Fd Transpose=Y");C2) where i set adjusted to "1" in order to adjust for stock splits. The problem is that this sometimes results in ownership levels over 100% (after deviding the sum of shares of all institutional investors by the amount of shares outstanding) which leads me to question if .CompanySharesOutstanding(Adjusted=1) is the correct Data Item in this case. What do you recommend?