Is the field "extractedFileID » varialble between extraction or invariable
Yes, it is a unique ID of an extracted file.
For example, I have a scheduled extraction that runs daily. On each day, the scheduled extraction will extract data from DSS and create a report extraction. Each report extraction contains several files and each file has a unique ID.
Then, the extractedFileId can be used to get a file description (Extractions/ExtractedFiles('VjF8fDkwNzc2NTY5Mg')), and download a file (Extractions/ExtractedFiles('VjF8fDkwNzc2NTY5Mg')/$value) .
{ "ExtractedFileId": "VjF8fDkwNzc2NTY5Mg", "ReportExtractionId": "550412856", "ScheduleId": "0x07b1b9370a7d1892", "FileType": "Full", "ExtractedFileName": "DailyOutput20211028-170005.csv", "LastWriteTimeUtc": "2021-10-28T16:00:06.117Z", "ContentsExists": true, "Size": 708, "ReceivedDateUtc": "2021-10-28T16:00:06.117Z" }
The REST API help shows that it is a primary key and it is unique - which make me conclude that it should not change between extractions.
It is best to contact Refinitiv support at to get clarification from RTH content expert.
This is a question from client how want to parameter TRTH requests via API
They want to know if they have to parameter this field one time or for daily request they have to change it.
Hi Sarah,
As per my previous comment, RTH product management can provide a qualified answer. It is not too much additional code to read the ExtractedFileId from the extraction response message from server.
yes, but it shows that is a unique ID for this particular extraction, for new extraction, new ID must be created i guess
many thanks for your answer , that's clear!!