We are developing code for trade halt, but certain conditions rarely occur in the market. In order to test for particular conditions we want to change captured xml data , but dont know how to specify another source in ADS running on TREP server(like changing the rmds.cnf file). Right now 14002 port defaults to being used for three different services ELEKTRON, EDJ_ELEKTRON, dEDJ_ELEKTRON. We wanted to add a fourth service which will read from a xml file of stocks with set price, so that we can test the halt condition in our application which connect to the ADH/ADS on TREP server using SaSS.
Tried to use the testserver & testclient shown in this article under Record and Playback https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/article-catalog/article/testing-ema-consumer-provider-applications
problem is that the quote from the fourth service is not picked up because it is not a service on 14002.
Please let me know if it is possible and steps to override the ADS server using testserver/testclient or is it possible to override using an API to include the fourth service. This setup will be used in test only not in production