I would like to download the financials of companies in a certain industry, is there any automatic way of downloading them onto excel or should I manually download the financials of each and every company?
I'm using refinitiv eikon.
Hi @sherif.ghandour ,
This question is related to the Eikon Excel, not the Eikon Data API, so the best place to raise a question is via MyRefinitiv as this forumis more for programming-type queries.
However, let me answer this question, using Excel, you can use the Screener app under the Eikon excel in the Refinitiv Eikon tab
Then put the filters on, for example, I put the TRBC Industry name including Energy
After that, the result will be shown (Please, see the screenshot in this comment's reply), you can click the insert screen to insert this screener into your Excel sheet.
Last but not least, you can use the list of RICs as a reference for the Build Formula app to retrieve their financial data of them, in this case, I'm retrieving revenue mean, ask price, and bid price.
Plus, If you would like to use this screener as a Python code with the Eikon Data API, you can check article Find Your Right Companies with SCREENER | Eikon Data APIs (Python) for how to do so.
The result of screener app