Is it possible to get a list of all instruments available for subscription on Reuters Elektron?
Hi, We are using Elektron Message API C++ edition. We just wonder, if there is a way to retrieve all available instruments that our data feed (using Reuters Elektron API) can subscribe to? I mean, is there any available API call? Any suggestions? Thanks Regards
Search for RICs with EMA library
Hello, I have an application that creates RICs, using specific credentials, on an internal ATS. The name of the RICs created follows a specific patten (all names begin with the same string). I need to retrieve all the RICs created by the application, and it looks like there are two possible options: search all the RICs…
Using Python API: Check all elements in a list are a valid RIC
My ultimate aim is to be able to do a Ekion Python API query like this df_ric, err = ek.get_data(RIC_List, ['TR.PriceClose','TRDPRC_1'],) Where RIC_List has 1800 elements, 99% of which are RICs in string format and the remaining 1% are not RICs and need to be skipped automatically. (Querying each element using a "try"…
How to find the list with the exchange for which the suffix of a RIC stands for?
I have a list of RICs belonging to the same ISIN. However, I do not know to which exchange each ric belongs to.
Morning, Where is the best place to test RICs , Some of the historic rics have different logic in how they are constructed, and I need to test which is the correct format. Thx
How can I filter only the operated instruments from a chain of a lot of instruments?
RKD API When a consume a chain of a lot of instruments (19K) I only need the ones that operate, so… I just want to know if there is a way to filter the operated instruments from the big chain through code. Thanks for the support. Regards
Futures ric convention -- leading digit
Hi there, a futures ric convention question what are the differences between these 3 -- the metadata seem exactly the same. 2CDFtmX4 CDFtmX4 1CDFtmX4
Skipping first 5 outputs of =RDP.Data(0#.AEX)
I am using excel and I want to ultimately get the closing price of the stocks currently in the AEX, from 2004 to today. I provide the chain RIC (0#.AEX correct?) and then I want to use =RDP.Data($B$3) (0#.AEX is in B3) to get all the stocks in the AEX. And then I would use an adjusted version of the following formula,…
What is actual master RIC to get all SPY and SPX options ?
Can you please tell me What is actual master RIC to get all SPY and SPX options ? . I want to download SPY and SPX options complete data of 5 years.
RIC code is getting null for all the attached list of CUSIP identifiers.
We are getting ric code null when we call EndOfDayPricingExtractionRequest with CUSIP. List of CUSIP's are printed below as I am not able to attach the file Can any one quickly guide me on how to get RIC code not null for CUSIPs identifier., CSP,53945CKX7 CSP,802437FY4 CSP,13063DUD8 CSP,296385AT4 CSP,617403ES5…
From where can I get RIC decoder for SPY options ?
I got RICs like this while downloading RICs for SPY options SPYJT091317100.U, SPYJH171317100.U, SPYJT091316850.U how to decode them. where can I find rules to decode such RICs ?
OpenDacs example Call
Hi, Do you have an example call method to show how users call into the OpenDacs API to check permissions for a live RIC price? We are trying to establish if the user submits the RIC then OpenDacs then checks their permissions under the respective PDP code. Thanks, Eleanor
Do we have any regular expression for Ric identifier?
We required regular expression which will identify the Ric identifier. If you have any pattern, please let us know
How can i view a full list of RICS under PDP codes?
I want to map users to correct PDP codes via permitted exchanges. I need access to PDP data
Understanding how RIC extensions can change Knowledge Direct API responses
Hi there, I am trying to understand how different RIC extensions can provide different datapoints when using the "/api/Quotes/Quotes.svc/REST/Quotes_1/RetrieveItem_3" via the Knowledge Direct API. For instance if I'm querying for AAPL.O I will receive "YRHIGH" but not "52WK_HIGH". On the flip side when I query for AAPL.NB…