Getting duplicate libxml2 symbols trying to link librsslVA from ETA 2.2.x
Hi all: I am using RHEL8 and GCC8, statically linking ETA and libxml2. I'm trying to build a sample application using ETA 2.2.3 and libxml2. When linking I am getting duplicate symbols errors like /opt/rh/gcc-toolset-11/root/usr/bin/ld:…
XML File output format
I have a question regarding XML file format. Is it compatible with XML format required by Refinitiv Playback tool (testserver): https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/quick-start-guide-recording-and-playback-refinitiv-real-time-data? If not, can you please advise what toll s are available to us so we can…
How do we scale the RIC code/currency while requesting from SFTP method?
Dear Team, We are getting the output of below Instrument as 0.2806,0.2802 where it should be 0.002806,0.002802. We are trying to apply the scaling of 100 to this specific RIC code. Is there any guide to apply this scaling on this specific RIC code? Please support. <Instrument> <IdentifierType>RIC</IdentifierType>…
Where can I find the XSD files for Premium WorldCheck Data files? The current link is broken.
Where can I find the XSD files for Premium WorldCheck Data files? The current links for XSD files are broken.
Where can I find the XML schemas/templates for the FX market data API on the developer portal?
Where can I find the XML schemas/templates for the FX market data API on the developer portal? I tried https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/fx-venues/fx-market-data/downloads, but found nothing related to XML schemas/templates.
Where can I find the XML schemas/templates for the FX market data API on the developer portal?
I post this ask on behalf of the customer who posted the link below last week but no response. So please assist with this query asap. https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/101912/where-can-i-find-the-xml-schemastemplates-for-the.html "Where can I find the XML schemas/templates for the FX market data API on…
Display of Programatic Config
I am creating a programatic config. Is there any way to display config created as XML record or save as XML configuration or other way to debug.
XML file for API
Could you please send us an example of XML file or instruction how to fill in the XML files that we are sending to you through API requests ? At the moment we have an error when sending the files. Maybe we are doing something wrong.
Xml versus binary record replay
Hello, We are currently using the record replay tool provided by Reuters : https://developers.refinitiv.com/article/quick-start-guide-recording-and-playback-elektron-data#Instrument%20List%20File%20Format As described there are two formats for the record/replay : * Xml * Binary In our side, the binary file is well…
ATS Open Webservices XMLConsoleApp connection issues
Hi, I'm using XMLConsoleApp.jar on server A (my config server) to create records on server B (my TREP server). The details for server B is defined in ServerConfig.xml. I can successfully ping server B from server A, and I can successfully log in to ATS GUI with username and password as defined in ServerConfig.xml. But I…
Generic Message Payload Size?
Right next question. Now I've got a .Net ValueAdd Provider and Consumer exchanging XML data using OMM generic messages. Is there a limit to the payload size? Some of our documents are about 40 Mbyte. Is that too big? Should I consider zipping them up first?
XML Payload over OMM
Hi all. I'm working on an application that will deliver many different types of Market Data (Interest rate curves, EOD prices etc) to interested clients. We'd like to use RFA / OMM. It seems to me that the best method would be publish this data as an XML payload and let the client parse it. Is OMM suitable for this? If so,…
How to set applicationKey?
I am running a Java application that is loading rfa configs from an external xml file. When the Java app starts up, the configs are loaded into the Java Preferences, then a session is acquired with the respective configs. I set a number of attributes (serverList, portNumber, userName. etc.) in the config file and those all…
Using DSS Website, possible to import multiple schedules in single XML file?
Using Datascope Select I need to import multiple schedules. I'd like to do this in using a single XML file using multiple <schedule> tags. Is this possible? Example of what I am trying to do here: <?xml version='1.0'?> <ReportRequest xmlns='http:www.reuters.com/Datascope/ReportRequest.xsd'> <Schedule>…
EMA C++ uses unexpected XmlTrace parameters in EmaConfig.xml configuration file
Consider the following EmaConfig.xml contents: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EmaConfig> <ConsumerGroup> <DefaultConsumer value="Consumer_1"/> <ConsumerList> <Consumer> <Name value="Consumer_1"/> <ChannelSet value="Channel_1"/> </Consumer> </ConsumerList> </ConsumerGroup> <ChannelGroup> <ChannelList> <Channel>…