How to configure endpoint in LSEG Python library?
Hi community! I am trying to find more information about how best to configure the lseg data library for Python. I am interested in connecting to an AWS endpoint that is closest to my servers. How can I configure this? I am familiar with service discovery, but I cannot seem to find a way to change the configuration of the…
Intereaction with API Playground Beta Endpoints
Hi, I am looking to experiment with the API endpoints located in the API Playground, specifically the ones related to messenger/chat. I see that there are examples for how to utilize the messenger/beta1 endpoints. I have obtained an API Key from App Key Generator, but am not sure how to use this key to login/authenticate…
example of snapshot using the endpoint
All, I am trying to use an endpoint to get snapshot of the 'YIELD' fid of few RICs(e.g. SPY, DIA). I believe the appropriate endpoint is https://api.refinitiv.com/data/pricing/snapshots/v1/ but not sure and could not find full example. Can you please share an example using Python? Thanks Moti
User data for ReferenceCurve under IPA ZC-curves
Dear Developer community I'm trying to generate ZC Curves using Custom/user data by indicating a curveConstituents. I am able to do it for Curve subject to calculation, but i'm not able to the same for ReferenceCurve. i Want to generate ZC curve using EUR as Collat and then should be used as referencecurve. many thanks for…
Eikon Api code error 404
function getTeslaPrice() { // Eikon API의 올바른 엔드포인트 URL을 확인하세요. const url = "https://api.refinitiv.com/marketdata/price"; // 예시 URL, 실제 URL로 교체 필요 const options = { method: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer 22a107f781ba4bffa71d80362e8e5c188f1f1d49", // API 키를 Authorization 헤더에 포함 "Content-Type": "application/json"…
How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup ...
...or another endpoint ? How to get the value of field "TR.FundLaunchDate" via API PLAYGROUND using searchlight or lookup or another endpoint ? For example I use this EndPoint : https://api.refinitiv.com/discovery/searchlight/v1/ with this Body Request { "View": "FundQuotes", "Filter": "(AssetState ne 'DC' and…
Handle RIC related errors in endpoint request
With EndpointRequest in “RD Library for .NET” (Refinitiv.Data.Delivery.Request.EndpointRequest) in it is possible to specify multiple RICs. Ex: "https://api.refinitiv.com/data/company-fundamentals/v1/analytics/global/price-volumes?package=base&universe=2010.SE,AAPL.OQ,AMZN.OQ,ALAMAKOTA.XYZ,EITP.CA" What if one or more of…
How can I run this API endpoint on CodeBook?
How can I run this API endpoint on CodeBook? I'm trying to run the following function, but the output is the following problem "error 0 {'id': '62dc1e15-2ef8-4d91-b0bb-83e4739233d2/6...",how could this be converted to get currency forward data? Full script: response = ipa.curve.Curves().get_curve(…
REDI Python API Query Order Executed Price
How do I go about querying the executed price of an order? The documentation on GitHub specifies the following way to query: cellVar.value = "DisplaySymbol" ret = q.GetCell(i, cellVar, cellVal, retVar) print(str(retVar.value) + ", "+ str(cellVal.value) + "=" + str(cellVar.value) + " success="+str(ret)) But changing the key…
Endpoint to upload csv file
Hi, I want to know if there is an endpoint to upload a csv file and screen multiple cases. When I checked posman collection I found only this endpoint https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v2/cases/saveAndScreen
Downloading documents via documents API
I am trying to download company research documents via API. For a given document ID, I am trying to use the "https://api.refinitiv.com/data/hvmi/v1/documents/download" endpoint to download the file. Here is my python script: import refinitiv.data as rd rd.open_session()…
Retrieve EUR IRS in Python
Hi Dev team, I am trying to retrieve EURAB3EIRS= using codebook. Using syntax below, I am only getting n/a as output df, err = ek.get_data('EURAB3EIRS=',['GV4_TEXT','MATUR_DATE','PRIMACT_1','SEC_ACT_1']) display(df) Note that this syntax works for 0#EURABSEZ=R
Retrieving Foreign Exchange Data (FX) using RDP library
Hi - Thanks in advance for any help with this. I would like to download a subset of historical intraday Foreign Exchange (FXD5) data for all exchanges in this date range: (Aprils of 2010, '13, '16', '19). Upon purchase, I was given this documentation, Getting Started with Refinitiv Data Platform This is the type of data I…
"This account is not entitled to all requested identifier types"
Hi, I'm using Jupyter Notebook trying to run a simple lookup using this Symbology API endpoint, https://api.refinitiv.com/discovery/symbology/v1/lookup, and I get the message below. I tried this same code in CODEBOOK and I get the same error. The AppKey I used to run the query in Jupyter is generated using my RDP login.…
Websocket Update Message Frequency
Hi, I am listing to instrument updates in WebSocket channel. { "ID": 2, "Key": { "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD", "Name": "EUR=X" } } The endpoint is the same one on the test code provided. As explained in the documents, first I got the Refresh message. After that I got Update messages which is also the expected behavior. When I…