Cannot get news and headlines via Codebook using platform session.
This question is related to Workspace (Codebook) permission to access news data. I tested one of the Codebook examples provided by LSEG. It’s “EX-1.01.05-News.ipynb”. When I ran the command to get news, I got an insufficient permission (scope) error. Isn’t the access to news included in Workspace and Codebook?
News Sentiment via API
Hi Team, I have 2 questions on behalf of client. Sentiment analysis (positive/neutral/negative) from top headlines for gasoil for example - is it possible to pull this information via API and if so, what is the call to pull this data? If client is pulling the data via Workspace API via his own feed for news sentiment and…
How to retrieve news headlines with NewId or StoryID?
Hello, We have access only to the below URI: /data/news/v1/headlines With this URI, is it possible to retrieve news headlines by providing the NewsId or the storyID as input parameter?
Extract News Title and Story for the past year (E.g. AAPL.O/ 005930.KS)
Hi Team, noted there is some example under codebook for News and News Metadata. What if I want to extract the past one year record for all the news related to a stock including both title and story. May I know how can I conduct the api code? You may use AAPL.O or 005930.KS as an example.
Can I pull the stories from News Alerts in Codebook?
Hi, this question is regarding the Codebook (Python 3 console). Using the news.get_story function, is there a way to pull specific headlines from my News Alerts, without the need for manually inputting the topics, sources, and filters into the parameters of said code?
What is the code to extract the maximum number of news from news monitor for Nasdaq 100 companies...
What is the code to extract the maximum number of news from news monitor for Nasdaq 100 companies with date? Also what is the maximum limit we need to specify to execute the codes at a time.
How to extract the date of each news article for Nasdaq 100 companies via Eikon Data API?
How to extract the date of each news article for Nasdaq 100 companies via Eikon Data API?
Support on Downloading News from News Monitor
Dear customer support team, I want to use the Refinitiv Eikon News Monitor to download most recent news for a list of companies (Input: Company Tickers), e.g. to Excel. However, I’m having problems to: * Adjust the search such that I see News that is specific to only the company I searched for. I don’t want to see News…
Machine Readable News - Error when using Python SFTP Code
Hello, I am receiving an error when using the below code: The error we're receiving is a timeout error shown below. Grateful for advice on what we may be doing incorrectly which is contributing to the error? To note, I have a working SFTP connection via Filezilla for this. Programmatically connecting via Python is proving…
How to query the news sources
Hello, Is there an endpoint to get a list of news sources? I would like to have an overview for querying news and filtering by source among those that I choose to select. For illustration here's a Python snippet: from typing import List, Iterable import refinitiv.data as rd import pandas as pd def get_news_sources() ->…
.NET Refinitiv Data - streaming price/RTO region selection
Hi @wasin.w , As pointed out by you in https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/118346/sqs-endpoint-subscription.html?childToView=121032#answer-121032 it is possible to choose streaming region for SQS subscription - how can we achieve that with .NET Refinitiv Data library? Specifically using Refinitiv.Data…
SQS endpoint subscription
Hi, we use /alerts/v1/news-stories-subscriptions to create subscription and pull messages from SQS. We have noticed that our sqs endpoint always ends up being https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com. Is this something that we can control? I mean can we configure what endpoint we pull messages from?
am currently using your API key through Python code for my application and have a few questions regarding its usage. * How can I access news through Python? For example (shown below), in your guide, you use the code “MSFT.0”. How can I find the corresponding codes for all my suppliers (manually searching is difficult since…
Number of Reuters News, over a period, for US listed stocks - Distribution by stock
I would like to know how many Reuters News in English language we received between July13-20, for US listed stocks only. And then I'd like to know the distribution of stocks the news are related to. This is with RDP News - Wealth package Equity & Markets News, for North America region.
download news
I need your help to download news from Chinese IA companies from 2023/05/11 to 2024/07/31. I have a .csv with Storyid and the text of the title of the 25,000 articles but need the complete articles (not only the title), maybe in json format or other . I created an API and tried to access using Jupyter notebook but was not…