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In the new datastream online database. I am downloading LCPCASH into a monthly workfile: fetch(d=datastream,c=l) LCPCASH. The value being downloaded for May does not correspond to yesterday's close.
When I pull @:UKMSCIP with the field AF0DTE I don’t get an error but all the values in eviews are NA. The same code pulls @:UKMSCIP with the field AF0VAL without any issues. I assume it’s because AF0DTE is a date and AF0VAL is a number. Can you please help?
In the new datastream online database. I am getting an error when trying to fetch IBES data into eviews: Date.Start is invalid/ Example date formats are 2012-11-24 (or) -4M (or) one of DSDatesNames (Date.Start)
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