Bulk update of Lipper Price data
We need to send latest funds price data through WebSocket API, my question is do we need to send each RIC update at a time or do we an option to send bulk update? If yes please provide the sample JSON format for bulk update and what is limit ?
Is there a Python API that allows us to contribute to an ATS via TREP/RTDS
Is there a Python API that allows us to contribute to an ATS via TREP/RTDS
Non Fixed IP connection for testing on contributions via API
Client would like to know if they can use Non Fixed IP connection for testing on contributions via API?
[EMA API] Nondeterministic values during contribution to RICs in ATS
Hello, I have a strange problem when I contribute data to RICs on ATS using EMA API. Sometimes data on 1 (or even more) RICs are incorrect/mixed - diffrent from values I sent to ATS via PostMsg. I noticed the problem occurs only during 2-nd, or more contribution to there RICs - during first contribution I haven't seen this…
WebSocket contribution api limits
Is there a rate limit for websocket contribution API? We send about 500 messages per second but only some updates are visible in the terminal. In login response we receive {"TRCE:MaxMessagesPerSecond":1000} . Is it the api rate limit? Does it matter if messages equally distributed or we can send all messages (up to the…
Looking for the market_price_contrib.py sample code.
Hello, We are testing contribution setup for a client install and we need the market_price_contrib.py python code so we can specify the fields we want to use. I just downloaded the websocket-api and I don't see that file included. I looked at the tutorial for contribution, however, I could not locate this file? Does it…
Delayed ACKs from the websocket contributions API
Hi, We are contributing around 20k update messages every 30s to the websocket contribution endpoint (contrib-ws1-amers1.platform.refinitiv.com), however we are seeing the ACKs coming in very delayed, up to a point where it is not possible for us to utilize them for correct failover/retry logic as suggested here…
How to contribute data to RIC on ATS using C#?
Hi, I'm new to RTSDK and I want to contribute market data to RIC defined in ATS using C#. Should I use EMA, ETA or WebSocket API? Could you explain me step by step how to contribute market data to RICs defined in ATS? Best regards.
RFA contribution over RCC
Hello, We have RFA version RFAJ7.5.1.L1.all.rrg and we built an API and is working with MLIP. We installed RCC but now is not working. We recompiled with RFA 8.2.4L1 but still not working. Can you help with an investigation for find out the reason ? What logs do you need for identify the cause ? Best Regards, Cristian
API/Websocket contribution crashes ATS
Hi, I recently developed an app to contribute and get data from the ATS. App have been deployed in production and since then we had nearly daily problems with the ATS that becomes unavaible. Further investigation showed that sometimes the contribution request makes the ATS crashes, the service suddenly becomes uncapable to…
Publishing prices into a like ATS service
Hello, We are currently trying to publish fake/random prices for some RICS into a ATS like service. We are using the WebSocket API and using the script testclient. Currently we managed to publish one prices for the RIC that we want using the below command : ./testclient -S PUB -f post.txt -ir 1 -I 1 Do you know what are…
C# dotnet SDK example for market data contribution
Hi, There is an C# example for market data contribution using websockets available at: https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/tree/master/Applications/Examples/CSharp/MarketPricePostingExample I am looking at achieving the same thing (market data contribution) but using the new dotnet sdk available at…
Offstream - Ack received even if the RIC does not exist
Hi, when we try to post on an unavailalbe RIC, first we receive Nack and then Ack. I supsect something related to the cache. how can we fix that to receive a Nack on every try. Were using Websocket API with Python Please find the sequence of message used to reproduce the issue. • 1st try to update a DUMMY_RIC SENT: {…
How to check contribution and disconnect from channel in RCC
Hi, I'm using RCC on a java source code using spring boot microservice. the version of framework is : com.refinitiv.ema I am using 2 java threads to handle Connexion and contribution. i have two questions plz : 1- How can i check if the contribution is done or not (to return a response with rest api). 2- How to…
.Net project using Websocket for contribution/publish to internal service (ATS)
Dear developer community i'm wondering if there is a .Net Project (C#) to share demonstrating the use of websockets for contributing/publishing data to internal server (ATS) and also to create rics/add fields/delete records. thank your for your help.