OmmConsumer submit PostMsg error (java EMA 3.7.0)
Hi LSEG support, Try to get consumer to submit PostMsg to an Interactive Provider with: public void onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) { PostMsg postMsg = EmaFactory.createPostMsg(); FieldList nestedFieldList = EmaFactory.createFieldList(); nestedFieldList.add(…
We are currently contributing realtime data through RCC. Is there any way to contribute or update...
... historical prices? We are currently using an EMA application to Post realtime data to RCC. Are there any FIDs that can be used to update/correct historical prices?
Error message for POST requests SEQ-case-create-simple from Low-Code-Platform Appian
Hello everyone, we are currently setting up the test access for the Word Check One API and in Postman every query (POST and GET) works fine. We get problems when we try to set up POST requests via our own system (low code platform Appian). Get Requests work fine. I have already cross-checked the different functions with…
Does the WebSocket spec support Packing of Posting Messages for Performance
When receiving messages form the ADS via WebSocket, the ADS packs multiple updates into an array of messages. The format appears to be and array of JSON formatted messages. When posting publishing for performance testing, it would be beneficial to able to pack the post update messages into an array of messages and then…
Delete record on non-interactive source with an OMM off-stream post (websocket)
Hi - how do I delete a specific record using an OMM off-stream post on the ads web socket please? I'm using a type "Update" with an Action "Delete" - I get an Ack back from the ads, but the record doesn't get deleted. How do I remove it from cache please with a post? Thanks Martin
Attempt to use invalid Handle on submit(PostMsg)
Hi, I am trying to post a message on RTMDS connectivity (no tunnel stream), but the response to the post request is this error message 2023-05-23 10:44:52.704 ERROR 37860 --- [pool-2-thread-1] c.refinitiv.ema.access.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg ClientName: ItemCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Attempt to use invalid…
401 Authorization error only with POST method to World Check API
I can call any GET method on the Refinitiv World Check API and everything is signed and works okay but when I try to POST a Case, I get a 401 error. It works fine from Postman using my key and secret but my C# code doesn't. I have tried replacing the JSON content just with "{}" but it seems to be the authorisation failing…
Can I rely on ACK ID from onAckMsg to confirm the processing status of the price publication requ...
...est? I got a question on Refinitiv EMA API call with EMA jar version I would like to confirm if it is safe to assume a price publication request sent to EMA API is accepted and successfully processed when we receive the ACK ID from onAckMsg api? Or that simply means the request has been received by the API…
Post / receive Acks on the same channel for ADS websocket in Python
Hi - I can connected to an ads and off-stream post successfully. Im trying to send a lot of data, so i use a while True loop after receiving the login response to listen to a queue and post. However this means that the on_message function is never accessed to receive the Acks to the posts. Do you have any example of how I…
Error Text channel out of buffers errorId=-4 errorText=channel out of buffers
I am using the API version below to submit 7800 messages. This worked fine for months but is suddenly giving me the error below. API Version <groupId>com.thomsonreuters.ema</groupId> <artifactId>ema</artifactId> <version></version> Error ClientName: SingleItem Severity: Error Text: Internal error:…
EMA : Set up permission Data
I am trying to set up permission data as per X_PE, Service Name but still getting A29: Post message did not contain permission data.
Truncated field for a posting consumer
We have a RFA based Java application that pushes data to an ATS service, using off-stream posting (so through a consumer instance using its submit method). We send a set of fields, mostly numerical, inside of a message with a field list payload. One of these fields is the MARKET_ID (typed as a RMTES_STRING), using the…
Websockets posting results in error "F5: Source application did not respond. Insert request timeo...
...ut. Please retry." Post message using websockets with local TREP is well formed (identical to examples), but I instead of Ack I get an error "F5: Source application did not respond. Insert request timeout. Please retry." I'm able to retrieve the record from the service (DTS), but posting fails. What could be the reason?
WebSocket API: How to use FIDs rather than field names for posting
Hi, we were asked by Refinitiv to migrate our MLIP/MFOT-based application to RCC / WebSocket API. Question now: How can we contribute to RICs and use FIDs rather than field names for the post message? All code examples I have seen so far, use field names and not FIDs in the JSON message like this: "Type":"Post",…
TRCC - issue contributing using SSLInserts and Marketfeed - how to remove 0x00 bMarketfeed
Hi - this leads on from this previous query: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/82187/trcc-postmsg-nak-when-using-containertype-rssl-dt.html In brief, we have an application team using an application coded with RFA6 which is unable to contribute via SSLInserts on RCC (Contributions Channel). They receive…