From HKEX on <.SCCEA>
The client HKEX is using RKD API to fetch data for external redistribution (a large display wall at public place). Below is question from them on behavior of <.SCCEA>. Posting the questions below: We would like to request your help to clarify the field behavior of TRDPRC_1(FID 6) and CF_LAST, as well as NETCHNG_1 and…
Can anyone explain the YIELD field for "/api/Quotes/Quotes.svc/REST/Quotes_1/RetrieveItem_3"
I am having difficulty understanding the "YIELD" (field number 35) returned in a request to "/api/Quotes/Quotes.svc/REST/Quotes_1/RetrieveItem_3" From the field look up I found "For equities the dividend per share expressed as a percentage of the price. For bonds this is the current or simple yield i.e. the interest…
Need data dictionary of Company/Transaction/Financial data using my trkd account
Hi Support, Got queries from InnovestX customer who build their own application
Hi Support, Got queries from InnovestX customer who build their own application and feed data from RTDS and RKD. They need help to clarify which field their API application should pick to get the correct data. See attached excel for reference. Under Column E, these are the field that client has been using. Under Ciolumn F,…
RKD historical ratios
hi everyone, I am interested in getting historical ratios report (such as PE ratios) for stocks. Would you kindly advise me on whether RKD provides such data? I would imagine something like GetRatioReports but with with requested date time. This endpoint doesn't have any date requested so I assume it only provide snapshot…
When is the StartTime inclusive vs exclusive in the RKD intraday timeseries API?
I am using http://api.rkd.refinitiv.com/api/TimeSeries/TimeSeries.svc/REST/TimeSeries_1/GetIntradayTimeSeries_5 API Endpoint to fetch intraday fx data every hour. This is my example payload. Can you provide information about when the StartTime is inclusive vs exclusive? { "GetIntradayTimeSeries_Request_5": { "Field": […
The story id and RIC links in the RKD news story, how to identify and properly display?
Taking this news story nL6S37E0ES as example, the RKD TOP NEWS & BREAKINGVIEWS > GET NEWS STORY will give the html result: …… "HtmlContent": "<html xmlns=\http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\><head><title>美国股市:创近两周最大百分比涨幅,因债务上限磋商进展和地区银行股飙升</title></head><body>…… 提高联邦政府31.4万亿美元的举债上限,以避免出现将给经济造成灾难性影响的债务违约。<span…
On RKD API, how many type of error can I see when retrieve data during closing period e.g. null, ...
...blank value ? On RKD API, how many type of error can I see when retrieve data during closing period e.g. null, blank value ? * RKD Services: Quote and Quote Chain * REST endpoint
RKD Api Field Identifier USR_DEF_T1
Hello, I've been trying to figure out how to get value into Field Identifier USR_DEF_T1. Can someone try to give me some advice? Here is a piece of my json request: { "RetrieveItem_Request_3": { "TrimResponse": false, "ItemRequest": { "Fields": "DSPLY_NAME:CURRENCY:HST_CLOSE:HSTCLSDATE:USR_DEF_T1", "RequestKey": [ {"Name":…
How to generate New token with expired token
Hi Team, Can you please help us in creating an impersonation token V3, in postman with an expired token? We are getting the below error in postman, but in refinitiv, we can successfully generate a new token, with expired token details. (And for the new token generation we are giving expired token and application ID in the…
Data regarding EPS Exclude ExtraOrd Items not matching on different API endpoints.
I am retrieving data via two endpionts: GetFinancialStatementsReports_1 and GetRatiosAndStatistics_1. The data I'm interested in is Diluted EPS Exl ExtraOrd Items by quarters, fields SDBF and QEPSXCLXOR (Quartely EPS Excl ExtraOrd Items, I assume) in the API respectively. When I'm looking at the EPS for the last available…
C# RKD\Simple\dotNET40\QuotesHttp example not working
The example program prints the following message. Can anyone help, why not give back good data?
Limit on total number of RKD requests a day?
May I know the limit on total number of RKD requests a day? or no such limit (I see there's throttle group limit on the concurrent requests) and typical suggestion on total number of RKD requests can be issued a day.
RKD error services request quota limit exceeded
Hello, Recently we got the following errors in our batch process request limit exceeded in RKD Services, the services which we use are: Quotes Timeseries intraday Timeseries interday Fundamentals Search There is a way to handle this type of error like some service to know if we are close to reach the limit to avoid the…
Unable to use image ref to download Online Reports images
Hello, I am trying to download the new stories images from the online news reports responses retrieved using the RKD API. I am not able to use the image refs to download the images from the online reports. For example, this is part of the json response from the API call GetHeadlines_Request_2 on the topic OLCASPORT .…