WC1 - Update CaseId to match new system
Hi, I'm looking to call an API endpoint to adjust our caseIDs in Worldcheck1 to match our new backend system. Currently updating a record using the systemID, the call fails if the caseID posted doesn't match the one Worldcheck has for a given systemID (in the URL). WC1 returns a 400 server error "Case IDs must be unique…
Using Perl I get error 400 Invalid request when Posting item belong to DDS service which is an AT...
...S Service Hi, I Use the Perl example from the GitHub, I try to Post data of a specific RIC, i changed only the ric name, host name, user name and added "Service" = "DDS" to the post message part, all is flowing great until the post, the login is working, when I send the request i get the stream is open, but i get 400…
EMA : Set up permission Data
I am trying to set up permission data as per X_PE, Service Name but still getting A29: Post message did not contain permission data.
Is there limitation on post msg size or field size using Websocket API?
I have created a record in ATS (RIC and field names masked:): Description in ats.dico file *SOME_RIC admin None AA DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT RESET 08/12/2031 08/12/2021 NONE NONE v STR_T SOME_RIC.FLD1 STATIC_CONTRIB[] v STR_T SOME_RIC.FLD2 STATIC_CONTRIB[] v STR_T SOME_RIC.FLD3 STATIC_CONTRIB[] v STR_T SOME_RIC.GN_TXT32_3…
EMA Post Contribution doesn't always return NACK/ACK Message
Hi there, I have had some trouble debugging my EMA application in the last few days, I am using EMA to contribute data to via TREP to Refinitiv. I had followed all of the tutorials correctly and posted sample contributions which worked fine. And then moved onto creating my own test RICs which I made code to publish data…
OMM Post message A29 post message did not contain permission data
Hi, I am trying to contribute to a RIC that has the PERM_CODE FID. I am creating a Post message with 2 Fields encoded, 1 fr the permission FID with the code and 2nd for the price FID i want to update. However I keep getting this error Message ID 4.0 received NACK : A29: Post message did not contain permission data. I am…
Authorization Error on POST
Although I’m able to execute GET requests without any issue, I get a 401 Unauthorized error on POST requests (e.g create simple case). I have followed the instructions on the documentation to create a simple case, meaning I got the top level groups first and updated the group-id on the postman environment. Keep in mind…
How to exclude pre and post market qoutes in get_timeseries request
Hello! Is there any method to exclude pre and post market trades in get_timeseries request? It's about intervals less than daily: In Eikon it's avaliable in chart properties with disabling checkbox parameter: Raw code: rics = ['NEE'] fields = ['TIMESTAMP', 'OPEN', 'HIGH', 'LOW', 'CLOSE', 'COUNT', 'VOLUME'] params =…
POST v1/cases/screeningRequest
Hi Receiving a 401 Unauthorised response on POST v1/cases/screeningRequest. I've successfully completed the request from POSTMAN, copied the date from the request and pasted into code to ensure request and signature generation are the same. Please see requests below. This has been used only as a comparison : //code…
How can we do partial post in EWS?
We contribute to large pages, changing only portions of a row. I'm 90% sure this was possible with RFA, is it possible with EWS?
urlencode list universe in data/symbology/convert
Hello, I am using the elektron platform's category=data/symbology, endpoint=convert and I am also using python3's urllib for making GET/POST request. I can use the following GET method for converting symbols (which means my headers, auth, etc are all good):…
How to make html POST to IDS
Background. I have IDS server running on host padh4, port 8500. I want to request a snapshot from IDS, and filter FIDs BID and ASK. The following works ok from the command line: COMMAND: curl "http://padh4:8500/ids-rest/json/quote/" -d '{"item": ["CSCO.O"],"filter": ["BID","ASK","TRDPRC_1"],"service": "IDN_RDF","token":…
Is it possible to get an ack message when submitting a respMsg with a non interactive provider wi...
...th RFA? when posting a postMsg with a consumer, you can subscribe to OMMItemEvent of type AckMsg to check if the posting went well, but I tried to submit a respMsg with a non interactive provider, I can't find a way to check if the submit went well or not, subscribing for ackmsg, is there a another way to find out if…
Post Id must exist for multiple part post message
Hi Everyone, I am getting this error when I post using an OMM Consumer: Post Id must exist for multiple part post message I am not sure I understand, I create the message like so: private OMMMsg createMsg(final Map<String, String> data) { encoder.initialize(OMMTypes.MSG, 1000); encoder.encodeMsgInit(marketDataItemCont,…
How could a consumer recognize, if a source is a ATS?
Hi, I'am developing a high level API based on EMA C++ Consumer, to substitute SSL-COM in our .NET based Inhouse-Applications. In this case , I'm looking for a general solution to recognize on consumer side, if a enumerated source from source directory is a ATS or just a cash-based source in a ADH, because the post…