Matlab TRTH Timeseries - Getting two days of data when requesting a year
I am using Matlab to connect to the Datascope API (TRTH). When I try to pull a year's worth of timeseries, intraday data using the below code, I get back two days of data rather than the requested year's worth. I am not specifying an interval in order to get back unaggregated results. I have tried putting in two digits on…
How can I fix this error?
All, I have a problem I dont understand how to pull time series data using the refinitiv API. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I am after macro data, instead of equity and FX prices, which seem to be in all the online examples. Many thanks Alex
Historical Inflation swap data from ek.timseries giving bid rather than mid
I'm trying to get historical mids for inflation swaps in Python. My current code is ek.get_timeseries("GBRPIZ1Y=", start_date="2023-08-01", end_date="2023-08-04", interval='daily') However, this gives bid values not mids. Is there a way to get mids instead? I can get them in Eikon Excel using…
Target Currency (Conversion) for Timeseries
Hi All, I'm facing the problem, that i cannot pull intraday timeseries (e.g. for MSFT.O) converted in an target currency. The following code allows to pull EoD data and an target currency: df, err = ek.get_data('AAPL.O',['TR.PriceClose.date;TR.PriceClose'], {'SDate':'2023-05-01', 'EDate':'2023-07-01', 'CURN':'EUR'})…
timeseries missing data
Hi am using the below query to get Germany Govies yields over last 5y, but the df resulted miss most of the data (does contain only 2023 and 2022 data): ek.set_app_key(App_Key) RIC = ['DE3MT=RR','DE1YT=RR','DE2YT=RR','DE3YT=RR','DE4YT=RR','DE5YT=RR','DE7YT=RR','DE10YT=RR','DE15YT=RR','DE20YT=RR','DE30YT=RR'] start_date =…
RKD API seconds level data.
I am retrieving time series data at the minute level interval from the Refinitive Knowledge Direct API. However, I now have a need to obtain the same time series data at a more granular level, specifically at the seconds level interval. To provide further context, I have included a sample of the requests I make and the…
constantly calling "processTimeSeriesInfo". The function "processTimeSeriesComplete" is not called.
Hello, I'm trying to consume "ric" with "series = ista.getSeries(XXXXReutersTimeSeriesClient, ista.getSession(), vbr[i].getVirbaseTypeRuter(), period, beginDate, endDate);" I am checking "isError", "isComplate", "isInfo" in "while" loop. On my "local" computer, "isComplate" takes the value true, but when I deploy the codes…
Unable to subscribe to 1 min time series data individual US Rics
Dear Team, in relation to this question https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/96288/delay-in-subscription-and-requested-ohlc-data-us-e.html , I still once in a week have issues subscribing to 1 min timeseries OHLC data for these rics: SBUX.O and MSFT.O I use this code: var timeSeries =…
I am unable to extract the time series of the following RIC: ".FTBG05GBPT"
I am unable to extract the time series of the following RIC: ".FTBG05GBPT" via ek.get_timeseries. I encounter the following error: "ValueError: datetime64/timedelta64 must have a unit specified".
get_timeseries: Date column returned as integer instead of datetime
I just tried to fetch price data of a single equity with get_timeseries function of the Python EIKON API. Unfortunately, I receive a warning and the "Date" column has integer values instead of datetime. I attached a screenshot of a simple example.Do you know how to get the dataframe with Date column in datetime format? I…