Query on blank update received for LCOF6
Our client is a RTMDS consumer for RT data and have the following question. We are seeing for some instruments we receive blank updates in between actual updates something like this - ``` DoNotRipple seqNum="14798" name="LCOF6" serviceId="259" serviceName="hEDD" Payload dataType="FieldList" FieldList FieldEntry…
How do I access the LSEG NEWS request response API from python?
For this, I am following this guide: developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/lseg-data-platform/lseg-data-library-for-python/quick-start/getting-started-with-python. This offers some python examples, which I am using. These examples open a session with credentials provided in lseg-data.config.json. When trying to open a…
Price momentum model using python
Hi! I am trying to download the historical PRICE MOMENTUM MODEL for stocks in the S&P500 using the API in python, but the request only gets the latest value available. This is the TR: TR.PriceMoCountryRank Could you help me with the right formula/code to download all historical data or at least from 2021?
Proper queries for options on futures using Python and Eikon API
Good afternoon, I try to request Eikon API from python to find EUA options open interest relative to strike prices. I want to get open interest for all strike prices of a contract, for example Dec24 (CFI2Z4). Please find below my code. I think the code i am using for options is wrong : 0#GCFI2Z*.EX Thank you for your…
No Module named 'requests'
Hi all, I am hoping for a little help. In Visual Studio I am running some code and am getting an error with import requests, when I run the code, it tells me no module named 'requests'. However, if I run the same code in Jupyter notebook it works fine. I have run pip install requests in my environment and it is already…
How do I avoid request limits for daily data over 20 years and many firms?
Hello! I am looking to obtain the (1) average daily bid-ask spreads in a year and (2) the days without returns in a year for about 20 years and 8000 firms. Unfortunatelly, requesting daily data for the timeframe and the number of firms is not possible due to the licences request limits. Is there a way to request this data…
How to make a get_data request with a custom list of more than 100 tickers?
Hello, I created a list of actions with their datastream identifiers which I call here 'merge_universe' and would like to make a group request like: universe_merge_data=(ds.get_data(universe_merge,['CODOC',],last_year). However, when my list is longer than approy 50 tickers, the request fail. I would like to do avoid…
Terms & Condition Reference Data
We are migrating to "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.PriceHistoryExtractionRequest" from "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.ElektronTimeseriesExtractionRequest" Although the API End Point :…
How to request or control data-consuming containing Fids instead of FieldNames using Websocket
Can somebody please tell me, how I can subscribe data to get fids instead of fieldnames in the fieldlist of an refresh- , update message or in a view, when using websocket api. In the forum here I only found, that in case of posting by websocket api this is not supported by ADH.
How much is maximum number of Partial update API in one hour?
Hi, I'm XUENN's Developer, Eric. I'd like to learn how much is maximum number of Partial update API in one hour. I saw the Partial update API document, and there has a note. "The maximum number of World-Check screenings (including initial, rescreening, and ZFP ones) that a client can perform in an hour is limited " Please…
IProvider - Managing temporary unavailability of data
Hi, please help me with this case. Scenario: Interactive Provider providing data to downstream consumers. For reasons external to the application, the Interactive Provider may not have yet the items requested by the consumers (e.g. in startup scenarios). If in this timeframe requests are received, they are replied with a…
DPS enhancement request SC #10844601
Hi team, I tried to get in touch with you via e-mail, without success. Since this is the only way to contact you - at least what I am aware of - I am using this channel now: Can you please give me a status update regarding the enhancement request SC #10844601. Is it possible for me to access the SC request somehow? Thank…
What is wrong with my Datastream downloading progress
I tried to download the daily data of the Baltic Dry Index (sticker BALTICF), however, after setting up like that, when pressing the "Process Table", there is no sheet popped up or generated. Could you please tell me how to sort it out? Best regards.
No rsslMsg in ReqMsg, NullpointerException thrown when registeriing client
Hi, we are connecting and getting market data ok, however we get repeated nullpointer exception after the service has been up for at least a day. Here we are getting snapshots every few minutes (ie. isSubscription=false). Restarting the service that talks to EMA fixes the problem. ReqMsg reqMsg =…
Stuck in an historic extraction request
I'm trying to download 2 minutes of data from yesterday morning but it's getting stuck in a 202 code , which it normally only does once or twice. I've attached the auth token, request body, request url and what the console is returning. Thank you Auth Token: (Added in private comment) requestbody: requestBody={…