RDError in RDP API
Hi team, I am from the Customer Support - Specialist and I am assisting a client in getting historical curve 0#NOKZ=R for a specific date. Initially I provided this code: import refinitiv.data as rd session = rd.session.desktop.Definition(app_key=('DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY')).get_session() session.open()…
Can I ask if there is an endpoint in DSS where I can query to see just the notes portion of the r...
...esponse (the notes where it says how many RICs some chain RIC expanded to) so that I can determine how to best split the query? Can I ask if there is an endpoint in DSS where I can query to see just the notes portion of the response (the notes where it says how many RICs some chain RIC expanded to) so that I can…
Recommendation with using the https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/Ex...
...tractWithNotes without taking so much time I am trying to download reference history for futures option contracts. I was using this REST API: https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Search/ReferenceHistory It was recommended that I change to use…
Curve chain ric of XAU XAG
I want to know if XAU= XAG= have the curve data from RTMS interface ? if yes .could you help share the chain ric of them ? for example : USD/CNH RIC: CNH= Chain Ric : CNHFWD= how about XAU/USD and XAG/USD ?
How to pull out historical option chain for SPY options?
for example, can I download option Chain data for SPY call/put options on Jan 10, 2024? Thanks.
Stream multiple chain request in RDP
Hello! I need to stream data for multiple chains in RDP. It seems that contrary to the Pricing stream where multiple RICs can be added using IPricingStream.AddItem(), IChainStream seem allowing only one RIC in the Definition while defining the stream. Is there a way to request multiple chain RICs on one stream? The need is…
Streaming Chain Issues
I have a client trying to migrate from Eikon Data API to the RD Library. He has been successful in transitioning the code besides when obtaining option chain data. They are able to run the query in Codebook but when they try to run the query locally, they get this error "StreamingChain :: waiting to update because chain…
Find all Rics in a chain
Hi, Can someone point me in the right direction please. I have a ChainRIC "1WSURF11" When I use DSS portal I can see all the consistuents for 1WSURF under the Open Access Constituents tab How would I find the same using the REST API? tnx in advance, Brian
Chain processing in Ema C/C++
Hello, I could not find any LSEG 64Bit C/C++ examples of how to process chains in Ema. Can somebody please point me to the one? Thanks, Vlad.
Embargo to get Chain RIC expansion via DSS Rest API
One of my client is doing Soap API migration to Rest API. He was doing an “IntradayPricingExtractionRequest” request to retrieve delayed future chain RIC. The time of expanding that Chain RIC is also delayed for them and the questions is whether it is possible to make the request and get immediately the Chain RIC…
What does 0#NASDCONS.O RIC return
What does this RIC #NASDCONS.O return? And how to check what are the available one?
Hi All, am looking for the backed(old) out for a time like in-between starttime, endtime duration...
Hi All, am looking for the backed(old) out for a time like in-between starttime, endtime duration form ERT for a particular RIC. Tried going through the endpoints in API Playground but couldn't get the right API doing this. kindly advise.
datascope rest api
Hello, Example of Chain Ric: 0#GBPVOLSURF we only use LONGNEXTLR,LONGLINK1,LONGLINK2.....LONGLINK14 fields and when i connect { "Identifier": "0#GBPVOLSURF", "IdentifierType": "ChainRIC" } which field show LONGNEXTLR value. In this example LONGNEXTLR fields result :1#GBPVOLSURF .
Help with a problem on downloading historical data.
Help me to solve the problem. I talked to the support team, they can't help as they don't understand my needs. I have 100% working code for downloading historical data. I use Refinitiv Real-Time SDK (RTSDK) I am interested in the domains: MarketPrice, Legacy2. Using the code downloaded historical data 03.07.2008-18.12.2023…
How to use RICs under a chain in a code without typing all underlying rics of a chain?
Is there a way to pull the cop xccy basis data for the whole curve in codebook without pulling each individual tenor ric? Example below, I have to enter all the RICs under COPCBS=TRNY. Can we just use COPCBS=TRNY and pull all necessary data like Bid and Ask across all tenors? Currently i am using: df_cop_xccy_curve =…