Is it possible to use your own custom tags/taxonomy list to analyze the content to find suitable tag
What is the rate limit for permid APIs?
I'm hitting an Error code 429 so wanted to get clarification on what my rate should stay under? Thanks!
I am unable to find a API which links the child company to a parent company.
I am trying to link child companies to parent companies, I have the parent companies permID but I donno how to link them. Does permID provide anAPI for it to link? Ex: Volkswagen Financial Services AG should be linked to Volkswagen AG: 4295869244.
CodeBook 403 for external connection
In CodeBook I am getting 403 forbidden or 403 max retries reached for any connection, I assuming, outside the server network. For example, it would be useful to use the Intelligent Tagging API at https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/calais or scrape some information off of a wikipedia page. I guess these are blocked at the…
Failing RICs
Hi there Following RICs give no match through the mapping API (randomly it might work for times to times): SATG_p.DE IIP_u.TO SESFd.PA BIP_u.TO HR_u.TO WIR_u.TO BPY_u.TO CUF_u.TO ROG.S NWH_u.TO GRT_u.TO CRR_u.TO BEP_u.TO BEI_u.TO 326030.KS FPEG_p.DE FCR_u.TO CSH_u.TO CRT_u.TO AP_u.TO TIGOsdb.ST PSHG_p.DE AX_u.TO Thanks for…
"Incremental updates will be available soon" for weeks now
When will incremental updates via the atom feed be available? I've been getting this "Incremental updates will be available soon" for weeks now on the Person (https://permid.org/atom/person?access-token=xxx) feed, though Organizations (https://permid.org/atom/organization?access-token=xxx) is working fine.
How can I download permid bulks?
Hi, how can I download org data of permIDs? There used to be a section on the permid.org/download page offering links to bulk downloads of entities. Please advise
US ADRs not matching properly
The Record Matching API is not properly matching several US ADRs. For one example, the following query fails: LocalID,Standard Identifier 1,Ticker:BXBLY&&MIC:OTCM However, this should point to the following Organization: https://permid.org/1-4295856631 This query used to resolve properly as recently as 7/23/2021. Has…
Unable to search for PermId using ticker and exchange for ASX quotes
Dear Team, When I search for ASX quotes (i.e. BHP, WOW, QAN etc ) using either the Web or Entity API with the format: ticker:BHP and exchange:ASX I am no longer getting any results Any thoughts? Regards, David
How to download "Organization.ttl" file? The Entity data download section appears to be removed, ...
How to download "Organization.ttl" file? The Entity data download section appears to be removed, could someone confirm?
Company PermIDs Changing Over Time
Hi, I've noticed that some companies have PermIDs (OrgPermIDs) that change over time, with the metadata (the knowledge graph, the linked stock quote) being migrated from one to the other. There doesn't appear to be any obvious reason why this occurs, could I please get some product specialist insight into why and when this…
PermID bulk download metadata
I'm trying to follow the instructions from https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/39860/bulk-files-download.html https://permid.org/api/bulkDownload/metadata?access-token=<MY_TOKEN> When I try to download the metadata I get the following response. {"error": {"status": { "code": "404", "errorCode": "Not…
Unable to obtain all quotes for an exchange?
Dear Team, I have been experimenting with the various possible search criteria that are documented on: https://permid.org/search One of the examples is: exchange:NYS but it appears that the results are being truncated to 2000 quotes. How would I access all the quotes on the NYS? Regards, David
HTTPS handshake to permid.org (for #475) failed. System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationExc...
...eption Hoi, I'm reaching out to the community on behalf on a customer as they are trying to use Perm ID. Via Chrome, it's running fine but the customer machine only allows Explorer and when running it from the company machine, tthey ahve the following error: HTTPS handshake to permid.org (for #475) failed.…
PermId API calling error
using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var req = client.GetAsync("https://permid.org/1-55835312773?access-token=<token>&format=json-ld").Result; Console.WriteLine(req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); } During this connection establishment only- We are getting below error message exception: