MRN EMA API field ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound"
After switching from PROD RTDS to UAT RTDS, started to showing error ErrorCode="FieldIdNotFound". Tried to switch from hosted dictionary file to local dictionary file by configuring in config file, but issue persists. from the attached log file, it shows Text: Missing, unreadable or empty file configuration,…
Can two service publish different set of Dictionary
Hi Can we publish two services with different set of dictionary to ADH? If so, how should we manage the disctionaries in ADH and ADS
C++ API Dictionary programmatic setup
Greetings! I am using latest RTSDK C/CPP 2.1.3.G1 aka EMA/ETA 3.7.3.G1 aka and having dictionary timeout issues similar to https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/95787/emadictionary-retrieval-failed-timed-out-after-wai.html I increased timeout up to 120 seconds, and it helped only once, while most of…
原油先物のSpread Price
原油先物のSpread Priceを取得することは可能でしょうか? 原油先物のカレンダースプレッドです。(ex. 1-3)
How to get the MEANING field of the Enumerated Types Dictionary
Hi, We are using the EMA API in order to connect to Refinitiv feed. We want to get the information about the Enumerated Types Dictionary (domainType = EmaRdm.MMT_DICTIONARY, name = "RWFEnum"). In the documentation: https://github.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/blob/master/Java/Ema/Docs/EMAJ_RDMUsageGuide.pdf (page 71), we see…
Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed ...
...(timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds) Do you know how to configure my RFA to use local field dictionary file instead of downloading that from upstream system or TREP ? We are receiving below error when try to connect one of publisher server. Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException…
Random Error with RFA API when querying for STOXX50E futures price
When querying for .STOXX50E futures HST_CLOSE or TRDPRC_1 using RFA API ,we randomly see this error Reuters RFA log event Exception in procesEvent for event: 119. Error: Error occurred while processing event data for RIC /STXEZ2. Error: Failed to deserialise enum value 4 for FID PRE_1ET412. Error: RFA exception Error…
EMA C++ - Print DataDictionary containing entries with negative ids
Hi all, using the Refinitiv EMA C++ library (3.6.1.L2), I'm seeing a weird behavior. The application is a consumer, downloading the DataDictionary from the network. The dictionary contains custom entries, which are using negative IDs. The consumer downloads and decodes the dictionary without issues: I can inspect and…
Socket exception when sending request.
Hi, We are facing the following issue, after we have logged into the websocket and sending a request to get the RIC's we are using in the system. The status we are receiving {"ID":6,"Type":"Status","State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Ok","Text":"Processed 209 total items from Batch Request. 209 Ok."}} We have tried…
EMA C++ IProvider downloading dictionary from ADH over the login stream - RWFEnum not downloaded
Hi all, please help me with this issue. Context: EMA C++ based application, using an OmmProviderClient that downloads the Data dictionary over the Login connection. Issue: timeout while downloading the dictionary (RWFFld is downloaded, RWFEnum isn't). In the context of reqMsg for login request, the application starts the…
sdk function rsslDecodeFieldDictionary
When we call your sdk function rsslDecodeFieldDictionary(..., &m_dictionary,..., &errorText) with m_dictionary already filled from previous call we get error saying "Duplicate definition for fid 1." Could you please confirm that the rsslDecodeFieldDictionary can not handle the case when m_dictionary is not empty?
Override location to load dictionary from in ema java
We are attempting to identify origin of latency by subscribing to different layers of our infrastructure. 1. At the client ADS level - from our alias "trep-pcarl..." - this rmdstestclient and the app from which this code snippet is taken - runs ok. 2. When connected to the MFA, The command line run and the app throws this…
What are the meaning of the fields "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS"
I saw the below link. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/master/Java/etc/RDMFieldDictionary But I can't understand the difference between "SALTIM_MS" and "QUOTIM_MS". I find out that the "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS" seems to be appeared together at each trade data. Can you explain these fields clearly??…
Is there a memory leak in readRDMFieldDictionary? rfa8.1.0.L1
Hello I am using the C++ API on Linux rfa8.1.0.L1. I have created a very small simple program that looks like this: ::rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary& foo = ::rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary::create(); foo.destroy(); This is fine, but the moment that I add a call to readRDMFieldDictionary in between the calls to create() and…
How to get description of enum values in RFA Java 8.2.1.L3
The infrastructure contain enumdef like this: IMB_VA_IND 4342 ! VALUE DISPLAY MEANING ! ----- ------- ------- 0 " " Not Set 1 "1 " 1 to 1.99% 2 "2 " 2 to 2.99% 3 "3 " 3 to 3.99% In my java code, the following will only return "1", for 1, "2" for 2. I don't see a method that will return the MEANING column, i.e., "1 to…