Please reframe/correct the below API query to get the correct results
Hi Team, I am using https://selectapi.datascope.refinitiv.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/ExtractWithNotes to fetch the standard coporate action data, the api is wroking fine when using delta query, but for init query my payload is failing Please find the details: { "ExtractionRequest": { "@odata.type":…
Looking for API Ondemand query under New Corporate Actions - Standard Events Report
Please provide the API query for below extraction Under New Corporate Actions - Standard Events Report Data is accessed via SFTP. * Schedules and instrument lists are configured by API * Report templates were configured through the GUI I think * Report Query Type: Schedule Delta Query* 1 Day Ago * Don’t Exclude deleted…
Difference between Dividend Currency field from Composite and Corporate Action Template
Hello, I'm inquiring what the difference between the fields from the two templates. Currently, our code base requests data from these two templates, most of our securities dividend's our requesting 'dividend currency' from composite template and successfully gets the dividend currency correctly. While some securities can't…
Several Corporate Actions in same day for same ISIN
Hi all, Considering ISIN ES0167050915, we see 2 corporate actions (image attached) for 19-Jan-2024, but API only asks one. How can we obtain both? InstrumentISINTicker SymbolEXDIVDATEDividend Ex DateDividend TypeCompany Event TypeEvent TitleACS.MCES0167050915ACS2023-07-042024-01-19InterimExDividendsACSAY.PQ Approximate…
Get corporate action (split date, ratio) history for stock with RDP
While replace old TS1 solution with RDP: within the TS1 (monthly) data, the CA event info (like split) was returned. ================================================================ TSLA.OQ [Monthly] Events:- 2020 Aug 31 01:00 '83' Split: 0.2 2022 Aug 25 01:00 '83' Split: 0.333333…
In CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplates, how do i enter QueryStartDate as "All Historical Even...
...ts" and QueryEndDate as "All Future events" ? I am trying to add the following in my CorporateActions report. However, i am unable to determine on how to use All historical & Future events. I tried like below in my JSON request but failed. Please help. i am unable to find this in Data Guide - Rest API reference too. --…
Where can I extract such event information for a given RIC using python APIs?
Hi, The ETF C090.DE "Lyxor Bloomberg Eq-weight Commod ex-Agr UCITS ETF" is being merged with LYTR.DE "Amundi Blbrg Equlwght Commdt ex-Agricl UCITS ETF A". Where can I extract such event information for a given RIC using python APIs? Will be grateful if this issue could be addressed as soon as possible. Since it is an…
Retrieve single name probability of default curve or CDS quotes (RDP)
Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve bootstrapped probability of default curves from CDS of single names through Refinitiv Data Platform. Failing this, I would like to retrieve directly the CDS quotes. This data is available in the Eikon Desktop Application, but I am wondering if it can be obtained…
DSS Rest call for Corporate Actions with filter
I am using the Extractions/ExtractWithNotes endpoint to get corporate actions for a list of instruments and a set timeframe. I believe there is a feature in the API to use filters. What is the syntax to add a filter to the ExtractionRequest? For example, if I only want to retrieve records where "Capital Change Event Type"…
DSS Corporate Actions Basics (C# API)
I have inherited a codebase which retrieves a number of Corporate Actions (different exeuction types like "Stock Split", "Cash Dividends" or "Rights Issues") to be further processed within our system. The code is quite contrived and hard to read. It would be a little easier with a good guide / documentation about DSS…
How can I identify a Trade has undergone Corporate Action on Level1 Time Series Data especially f...
How can I identify a Trade has undergone Corporate Action on Level1 Time Series Data especially for EQTY
eikon corporate action
how can i get all corporate action including the list & delist corporate action by eikon api (list/delist date) df, err = ek.get_data(['ZKP.NH^J18'],[ 'TR.CAMarketAdjustmentFactor(SDate=20010101, EDate=20180101,CAEventType=All)', 'TR.CAAnnouncementDate(SDate=20010101, EDate=20180101,CAEventType=All)',…
How to return M&A deals for selected countries using Excel TR Formula?
Hello, I am trying to get the M&A deals based on few criteria among which one important one is the acquiror nation. I cannot find that criteria in the deal screener from where I normally create the formula. Setting TR.MnAAcquirorNation for the desired country in the TR function in excel directly does not work either. This…
Mergers & Acquisitions - Missing column - What should I do?
Hi, I'm new here and since I did not find any solutions, I have to ask my question here, actually two questions and both of those two questions are related to Mergers & Acquisitions. First question: I chose wanted Columns and deleted unwanted ones. However, one column that is extremely important for me is missing. That…
How can I reproduce this section of XML Corporate Actions Report Template
* I’m trying to create, via Java API Rest, the attached Corporate Actions Report Template (“NEW_FULL_DATA_RTCE_Future_Corax_report_RPT_Definition.xml”, already existing on the Datascope site). How can I reproduce this section of XML Corporate Actions Report Template? <AllowEmptyEvents>No</AllowEmptyEvents> ref_error.txt…