The most recent content from our members. { "View": "Organisations", "Select": "Orgid, BusinessEntity, CommonName,PrimaryRIC,PrimaryRICTickerSymbol,PrimaryRICExchangeCode,GicsName", "OrderBy": "CommonName asc", "Filter" : "PrimaryRICExchangeCode eq 'ASX' and IsPublic eq true", "UnentitledAccess": true, "Top": 10…
I am trying to link child companies to parent companies, I have the parent companies permID but I donno how to link them. Does permID provide anAPI for it to link? Ex: Volkswagen Financial Services AG should be linked to Volkswagen AG: 4295869244.
Hello all, I'm using DataScope Select REST API to retrieve bonds guarantor information (using Enchancements Schedule). I still don't understand the usage of one field "Guarantor Identifier". To what type of identifier does this refer to ? How can we use the output of this field to get common identifier like OrgID ? The…
Is it possible in KYCaaS to expose API about the type(pdf/png) of KYC document Currently KYCaaS API expose KYC document metadata but it doesn't contain document type(technical type: pdf png), see below swagger information taken from KYCaaS swagger5.3.json…
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